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Are you suffering from working from home burnout?

COVID-related social distancing and self-isolation mandates forced many of us to work from home during the peak of the outbreak.

While some of us have since returned to the workplace, others have remained at home for our 9-5.

Research from September 2021 found that 67% of employed Australians were sometimes or always working from home, compared to 42% before COVID.

Working from home has its perks (sleep-ins, no commute, increased flexibility), but it can also have some pitfalls (blurred boundaries, no change of scenery, loneliness).

If you’re struggling with the latter, you’re not alone.

In a survey conducted by Relationships Australia in 2020, 87% of respondents reported a significant change to their workplace since the start of COVID-19, and 63% of respondents agreed these workplace changes impacted their mental health.

We explore the signs of working from home burnout and tips to look after yourself if you’re struggling.


Psychological Effects of Working from Home

Apart from feeling distracted or struggling to get motivated, working from home can have some more serious effects on our mental health.

Research shows some of the negative impacts of working from home include:

  • Social isolation and loneliness
  • Difficulty ‘switching off’ from work
  • Overworking
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety.


What is working from home burnout?

Working from home burnout is more than simply feeling exhausted from your job.

If left untreated, burnout can lead to physical impacts such as high blood pressure, heart disease, a weakened immune system, and cognitive impairment.

Some signs you might be experiencing working from home burnout might include:

  • You have little motivation to do your job
  • You’re struggling to concentrate
  • Your performance is declining
  • You feel irritable and are more likely to snap at others
  • You’re withdrawing from others
  • You feel cynical and negative
  • You’re not sleeping well.


Managing Your Mental Health While Working from Home

We hope these strategies help you prioritise your wellbeing while working from home.

Establish a workday routine

It can be tempting to sleep in until minutes before you clock on for the day, or to stay in your PJs unless you have a video meeting. But this lack of structure could be sabotaging your motivation and general wellbeing.

Establishing a routine can help you get into ‘work mode’ and maintain work-life balance.

Some basics of a healthy work-from-home routine might include:

  • Waking up with enough time to make breakfast and change out of your PJs
  • Starting and finishing work at the same time every day
  • Using your coffee and lunchbreaks to take a break from your work and get a change of scenery
  • Activating ‘do not disturb’ on your email and/or work phone outside of work hours.

Use your sick and annual leave

Working from home doesn’t mean forfeiting your usual leave entitlements.

The flexibility and freedom of working from home may make us more likely to power through when we’re unwell.

Perhaps you feel guilty or don’t see the point of taking sick leave if you’re working from the comfort of your own home. But working from the couch isn’t the same as resting, so be sure to take those sick days when you need them.

The same goes for annual leave.

Border closures and travel restrictions may have forced us to cancel our bigger holidays, but it could be more important than ever to take annual leave. A proper break can help reduce stress and the risk of burnout, so be sure to book in some annual leave, even if it’s local.

We discuss the importance of taking annual leave during COVID here.


If you’re having a hard time and need some extra support, counselling might help. Our counsellors can help you explore your concerns and potential solutions in a safe and supportive environment.

You can learn more about our counselling service here, or call 1300 364 277 to make an appointment in person, over the phone, or via video.

Attitudes to Gambling in Different Cultures

Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world. Almost 30% of our population was born overseas, and nearly every single country from around the world was represented in Australia’s population in 2020.

Our diversity is one of our greatest strengths.

Harmony Week (March 21st – 27th) encourages us to celebrate this diversity, and highlights the importance of respect, inclusivity, and creating a space where everyone belongs. This Harmony Week, we’ve teamed up with Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast (MCCGC) and cultural leaders from around the world to share insights on gambling in different countries, and what gambling looks like in Australia within culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.


Gambling Around the World

It’s amazing just how differently gambling is viewed in different cultures.

While it may be considered a positive social activity in some countries, it’s strictly prohibited in others, such as Poland, Singapore, Cambodia, and the United Arab Emirates.

Whether it’s accepted or not, gambling is a part of many cultures around the world – and Australians are widely reported to be the world’s biggest gamblers.

“With gambling being so prevalent in Australia, particularly Queensland, many people who move here from other countries can perceive gambling as a big part of Australian culture,” explains Gambling Help Services Community Educator Amy.

“These individuals may engage in gambling as a way to integrate into the Aussie lifestyle.”

We spoke to some cultural leaders to learn about the attitudes toward gambling in their country of heritage compared to their experience of gambling in Australia.


Ping – China

“It’s a good thing. It’s accepted. But there are limits.”

Ping explains that China has a very big gambling culture – especially during Chinese New Year.

She says card games are very popular in China, with everyone knowing how to play cards but not always gambling for monetary value. She also notes that it’s common for seniors of the Chinese community who live in Australia to go to the casino.

“It’s seen as a positive thing for seniors for social engagement. It doesn’t have to be a negative thing,” Ping explains.

“It can be a positive thing – especially for seniors – as long as you have the right education. It’s very important to educate people about limits.”

Ping stresses the importance of educating the next generation about safe gambling.

“It’s important for our leaders to educate and guide in the right way – especially with kids gaming online,” she says. “Start with teenagers in high schools and universities.”


Antonella – Argentina

“We have a big and powerful gambling industry.”

Antonella explains that gambling is a big issue in Argentina, with a lot of casinos in the country.

“I never thought that it would be a very safe place for community groups to be in,” she explains.

Antonella also notes that in Argentina, the casino is a popular place for international students and refugees to meet.


Yasuko – Japan

“We need more support for the mental impacts.”

Yasuko describes how gambling is viewed in a negative light in Japan. There currently aren’t any bright and flashy casinos like in Australia, and generally, only men participate.

“Gambling seems to be more appealing and positive in Australia, with bright lights, conversation, dressing up and drinking. It’s a social thing here,” she says. “Japanese people don’t dress up for the horse races like Australians do.”

Yasuko explains that in Australia, she has worked in aged care, where she has taken clients to the casino. “They really enjoyed it. It’s positive for entertainment. But more education and support is needed.”


Frederik – Netherlands

“Once poker machines arrived, hell broke loose.”

Frederik reminisces on life before casinos opened and gambling became more common in the Netherlands.

“Before the casino opened, family relationships were positive. We enjoyed outdoor activities. Once poker machines arrived, hell broke loose.”

He explains how gambling and drug issues brought more crime to the country, and that “drugs and gambling go hand in hand.”


Maria – Hungary

“Gambling is hidden in Hungary, but it’s really in your face in Australia.”

Maria highlights that gambling must be really sought out in Hungary, while it’s extremely accessible in Australia in comparison.

“It’s very hidden in Hungary, and it’s very much in our face in Australia,” she says. “It’s very casual to go somewhere and find pokie machines, for example. It creates a different norm and coping methods for people. The lights and noises are designed to get you in. And once you get high on winning, it’s hard to walk away.”

Maria states that in Hungary, casinos are associated with criminal activities and the upper class. “It’s a hidden world,” she says.

“I believe education is needed regarding the odds and how these games are set up to create compulsive behaviours, taking more reality into this “glamorous” world.”

Maria explains that she believes gambling is a dangerous hobby, and it’s very easy to lose control.

“Most people who participate in gambling in Hungary are vulnerable people who cannot really afford to play or lose big,” she says.

“It would be nice if staff were trained at pubs, where they recognise problematic behaviours. The 24/7 helpline is also a good idea.”


Gambling and CALD Communities in Australia

Research funded by the Office of Responsible Gambling found culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities are vulnerable to increased risks of gambling-related harm.

Individuals from these communities generally participate in gambling less than the overall population but when they do, they’re more likely to experience problems.

“These communities may have existing stressors such as learning another language and integrating into a new culture, feeling disconnected from community groups, and not knowing who to reach out to for help,” Gambling Help Services Community Educator Amy explains.

“These can all contribute to higher risks of gambling harm.”


Gambling Support for CALD Communities

If you or someone you know is experiencing problems with gambling, free, confidential, and culturally appropriate help is available. You can talk to a counsellor by calling the 24/7 helpline on 1800 858 858.

Gambling Help Queensland can provide translator services and help connect you with your local multicultural services. The website can be translated to six other languages and offers information about problem gambling and where to access help.

“The Gambling Help Service can help you explore options and ideas, support you to get through the hard times, and work with you to achieve positive results,” Amy says.

If you need to connect with your local organisation or community group representing your culture, Multicultural Communities Council Gold Coast can help.

There are a lot of different perspectives and experiences of gambling around the world. Coming to Australia where gambling is common and normalised may contribute to increased risk of gambling harm. It’s important for us all, as a community, to be aware of these risks and to know where to get support.

How I Cope with Emotional Burnout: Tips from Practitioners

The last few years have been challenging for many of us.

There’s a lot going on around the world right now, and it’s normal to feel more stressed and anxious than usual. But prolonged excessive stress can lead to emotional burnout – the feeling of being emotionally and mentally drained, or like your cup is always empty.

Some common emotional burnout symptoms might include:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Low mood
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Reduced capacity to cope
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Apathy or feeling ‘numb’
  • Changes in sleep
  • Changes in appetite.

It’s more important than ever to look after ourselves and prioritise our wellbeing.

Some of our RAQ practitioners offer advice to look after yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.


Know what drains you and what fills you up

I think it’s important to know what drains you and fills you up. It’s a balancing act of getting the right flow each day so you can be present. I find that mindfulness is key to really focus on people and moments and appreciate all of it.

Exercise, nature, and spending time alone work for me – but some people need others to recharge, so knowing this is key.

Susan, Regional Manager


Limit exposure to the news

There can be a social pressure to stay up to date with the news, but this can trap us into the news cycle, and it can get exhausting.

20 years ago, we had the 6 o’clock news, but now there’s a 24-hour cycle that’s global, and sometimes catastrophic. It can lead to emotional burnout. So my tip is to turn off the news and watch a fun movie. This might involve revisiting your favourites as a child, like Finding Nemo or Scooby Doo.

Helen, Regional Manager


Break up your day with some fresh air

As many of us balance our new way of life with more days working from home than in the office, I think it’s important to try to break up the day as it’s coming to an end.

I always make sure I have time outside at the end of every day, even if it is only a quick walk around the block. Fresh air can do wonders for how you feel. Fresh air and plenty of water would be my number-one tip for taking care of yourself during these unprecedented times.

Tim, Centre Manager


Keep in touch with support networks

Having a partner, family, and friends I can connect with – even if just to share a quick hello with or a funny photo through Messenger – can lift spirits.

I make a point to contact someone from my circle of family and friends each day just to let them know they’re in my thoughts, and the benefit of doing that is mutual.

Karen, Clinical Supervisor


Consider your perspective

What helps me feel more relaxed and balanced is when I remember that I can choose my perspective in any given situation; I can choose what meaning I attach to my experiences. This is emotional freedom to me.

Kate, Senior Supervisor


If you’re having a hard time and need some extra support, talking to a counsellor might help.

You can learn more about our counselling service here, or call 1300 364 277 to make an appointment in person, over the phone, or via Zoom.