14 February, 2023
Leaving an abusive relationship is never easy, and in many situations, it can also be unsafe. In fact, the period that follows leaving an abusive partner can be the most dangerous time for a... Read more
09 February, 2023
Controlling behaviour can range from directly telling someone what they can and can’t do, to more subtle methods, such as giving you the silent treatment if they don’t get their own way. Controlling... Read more
01 February, 2023
Does your partner make you feel guilty, insecure, intimidated, or dependent on them? You could be in a controlling relationship. A controlling relationship is one where one person uses manipulation... Read more
27 May, 2022
Relationships can be challenging. But they can be even more difficult if you’re (unintentionally) being emotionally abusive or have picked up some unhealthy habits – possibly from childhood –... Read more
05 May, 2022
Is someone you know experiencing abuse in their relationship? It’s hard to see someone you care about in an unhealthy relationship, but it can also be hard to know how to help or if you should get... Read more
