

If you are a migrant, either new or settled, we know that you will go through many stages of cultural adaptation in Australia. Migrants have varying needs due to different experiences with migration, cultural isolation and resettlement, and may need special recognition when accessing counselling, mediation and support. 

When we see you for an appointment, we take our service responsibility very seriously and feel honoured that you’ve approached us for help. Our standards of clinical practice are suitable for all ethnic populations. We are sensitive to the needs of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) clients by accepting, respecting and understanding cultural differences. 

Our counsellors come from diverse backgrounds and speak many languages, and they are committed to working with you and meeting your cultural needs in relevant and effective way.  We are open to gaining relevant knowledge of the particular ethnic group we are working with.  Our counsellors are mindful that they need to expand their repertoire of therapy skills to reflect helpful and appropriate counselling practices.  We provide our services in ways that show support, understanding and consistency with your racial and ethnic background.  We are mindful of the cultural identities and norms of the people we see.

At Relationships Australia (Qld), it is our aim to increase your knowledge on resilience and other coping skills so that you can quickly bounce back from adverse situations you are facing.

Making an appointment

If you have limited proficiency in English when you ring our number, we are able to engage a professional interpreter with the language you request.  When you ring, you would just need to tell us the language you speak and we will engage an interpreter immediately for you.  Once we have located a professional interpreter, we can proceed to find out how we can help you.   This is done at no cost to you.  Our conversation with you to answer your inquiries are always conducted with a respectful manner to acknowledge your language background.

Attending an appointment

After receiving the relevant information and if you wish to see any of our practitioners, your appointment will be made with engaging a suitable interpreter for all the sessions you need.  We engage the interpreter on your behalf free of charge. Our staff are committed to improve the communication with you through working with the professional interpreter.   We make sure that people who do not speak English well are still provided adequate service in a fair and respectful manner.