As a member of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community, you are encouraged to contact Relationships Australia and visit our local services. We work with our clients and partner organisations to offer a quality service in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner. We respect that everyone is unique and are guided by your experience to help us to  provide the support you or your family need to achieve your vision for wellbeing.

Over the past few years we have consulted extensively throughout Queensland’s  diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and within our own workforce. We have developed a comprehensive Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that is underpinned by our strategic plan.

We have also established  a Cultural Fitness philosophy and training program  that will help us to respond to diverse service needs within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of Queensland. These services will join with diversity strategies of our mainstream services and programs, empowering our whole team with a range of experience and knowledge to support  our staff to work sensitively with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities and families.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander counsellors

Relationships Australia Queensland currently employs 17 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff.

Community Engagement

Each of the services engage regularly with their respective local Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities, Traditional Owners, Elders and Leaders. Our venues have established or are in the process of establishing local RAP reference groups to guide our work in their communities.

Our staff within current services employ their local knowledge of protocol, family and kinship systems, gender and age sensitivity when working with First Nations clients.

We are committed to maintaining and developing our use of technology and linking with diverse Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander community media to connect regional, remote and urban people to our service

Culturally Sensitive and Diverse Services

Many of our First Nations staff are developing unique, localised projects to specifically respond to local needs. Women’s business, family  and personal leadership and support programs, Men’s Business workshops and activities for men and boys. Our staff support  local projects which explore: healing from grief and loss, restoring  and strengthening Families,  First Nations cultural identity and supporting the roles and responsibilities of men, women and young people. These activities also support family reunification processes and intergenerational relationships.

Local Relationships Australia venues can provide a range of counselling and family support, parenting support or mediation services to address: relationship problems, separation, youth issues, divorce, financial problems, gambling and addiction, impact of disability or imprisonment and ‘stolen generation’ issues, Sorry Business and  suicide.  We also link clients to other relevant service providers  across the community who we know and trust to carry on that care and support.

Our staff can assist clients by incorporating Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander models of practice as well as embracing and indigenising mainstream strategies.

Our staff empower clients to build for themselves lifestyles which focus on wellbeing. Our team can work with the ‘whole of family approach’ to respond to events that may have had an impact upon their lives like ‘Sorry Business’ or trauma such as domestic and family violence.

RAQ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Network

Staff participate in and help guide our Reconciliation Action Plan work, our state wide RAQ Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Network and RAIN, our National Network, to discuss evolving practice issues and community trends and provide peer support.

Career Pathways

A suite of culturally appropriate training and professional development options have been provided to all RAQ staff, and Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander staff are currently completing a Diploma of Counselling (2014-2015).

Staff are supported through regular supervision and reviews to develop capacity within their current roles and to aspire to career pathways across the organisation and externally.