As a member of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community, you are encouraged to contact Relationships Australia and visit our local services. We work with our clients and partner organisations to offer a quality service in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner. We respect that everyone is unique and are guided by your experience to help us to provide the support you or your family need to achieve your vision for wellbeing.
Over the past few years we have consulted extensively throughout Queensland’s diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and within our own workforce. We have developed a comprehensive Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) that is underpinned by our strategic plan.
We have also established a Cultural Fitness philosophy and training program that will help us to respond to diverse service needs within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities of Queensland. These services will join with diversity strategies of our mainstream services and programs, empowering our whole team with a range of experience and knowledge to support our staff to work sensitively with Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander communities and families.