17 January, 2011
The flood waters are slowly residing to reveal the extent of damage to property, personal belongings, and loved ones including pets.  Enormous loss is experienced on  all levels, for the... Read more
14 January, 2011
Couples involved in long distance relationships often face challenges unique to their situation. The questions are often asked: Can long distance relationships work? How can they work? and What... Read more
07 January, 2011
Here we are, all set to take on the New Year, including new challenges and New Year resolutions. We all start with good intentions, but as we are all aware, good intentions do not guarantee us the... Read more
31 December, 2010
There is a terrific line in the comedy classic ‘Groundhog Day’ where Bill Murray’s character (who feels invincible because he is ‘stuck’ in a day of his life that keeps repeating itself) allows... Read more
24 December, 2010
Pam 36yrs came to us because she had difficult communicating with her mother without getting into an argument. Pam felt her mother always tried to tell her how to care for her new born baby and would... Read more
