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How I Cope with Emotional Burnout: Tips from Practitioners

16 March, 2022


Mental Health

The last few years have been challenging for many of us. There’s a lot going on around the world right now, and it’s normal to feel more stressed and anxious than usual. But prolonged excessive stress can lead to emotional burnout – the feeling of being emotionally and mentally drained, or like your cup is […]

The last few years have been challenging for many of us.

There’s a lot going on around the world right now, and it’s normal to feel more stressed and anxious than usual. But prolonged excessive stress can lead to emotional burnout – the feeling of being emotionally and mentally drained, or like your cup is always empty.

Some common emotional burnout symptoms might include:

  • Lack of motivation
  • Irritability
  • Low mood
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Reduced capacity to cope
  • Feelings of hopelessness
  • Apathy or feeling ‘numb’
  • Changes in sleep
  • Changes in appetite.

It’s more important than ever to look after ourselves and prioritise our wellbeing.

Some of our RAQ practitioners offer advice to look after yourself if you’re feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.


Know what drains you and what fills you up

I think it’s important to know what drains you and fills you up. It’s a balancing act of getting the right flow each day so you can be present. I find that mindfulness is key to really focus on people and moments and appreciate all of it.

Exercise, nature, and spending time alone work for me – but some people need others to recharge, so knowing this is key.

Susan, Regional Manager


Limit exposure to the news

There can be a social pressure to stay up to date with the news, but this can trap us into the news cycle, and it can get exhausting.

20 years ago, we had the 6 o’clock news, but now there’s a 24-hour cycle that’s global, and sometimes catastrophic. It can lead to emotional burnout. So my tip is to turn off the news and watch a fun movie. This might involve revisiting your favourites as a child, like Finding Nemo or Scooby Doo.

Helen, Regional Manager


Break up your day with some fresh air

As many of us balance our new way of life with more days working from home than in the office, I think it’s important to try to break up the day as it’s coming to an end.

I always make sure I have time outside at the end of every day, even if it is only a quick walk around the block. Fresh air can do wonders for how you feel. Fresh air and plenty of water would be my number-one tip for taking care of yourself during these unprecedented times.

Tim, Centre Manager


Keep in touch with support networks

Having a partner, family, and friends I can connect with – even if just to share a quick hello with or a funny photo through Messenger – can lift spirits.

I make a point to contact someone from my circle of family and friends each day just to let them know they’re in my thoughts, and the benefit of doing that is mutual.

Karen, Clinical Supervisor


Consider your perspective

What helps me feel more relaxed and balanced is when I remember that I can choose my perspective in any given situation; I can choose what meaning I attach to my experiences. This is emotional freedom to me.

Kate, Senior Supervisor


If you’re having a hard time and need some extra support, talking to a counsellor might help.

You can learn more about our counselling service here, or call 1300 364 277 to make an appointment in person, over the phone, or via Zoom.

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Further reading

20 Sep 2024

Signs of Emotional Abuse in Elderly People

Domestic & Family Violence, Seniors

01 Nov 2023

How to Make Online Dating Work for You

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