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Seeking Survey Participants: Relationship and Separation Service Needs
Seeking feedback from people who have accessed, or may access, family relationship services and family law system services that support relationship and/or separation issues. This anonymous online survey takes approximately 30 minutes. Participants will be invited to enter a random draw for one of five $100 grocery vouchers after the completion of the survey. You […]

Seeking feedback from people who have accessed, or may access, family relationship services and family law system services that support relationship and/or separation issues.
This anonymous online survey takes approximately 30 minutes. Participants will be invited to enter a random draw for one of five $100 grocery vouchers after the completion of the survey.
You can learn more about the study and access the survey link here:
Overview of the FRSP Review project
The Australian Institute of Family Studies (AIFS) has been commissioned by the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department to assess how well the current Family Relationships Services Program (FRSP) services is meeting the needs of families.
The FRSP provides a range of support and education services for separated and separating parents with the aim of improving the wellbeing of Australian families. FRSP services are part of a broader range of services available under the family law system. This will help us to understand the needs of separated and separating families, and whether services are meeting these needs.
Part of this Review includes surveying adults who have separated or are in the process of separating regarding their relationship and separation needs. AIFS is asking people who have accessed or may access family relationship services and family law system services that support relationship and/or separation issues, to consider completing an anonymous, online survey.
The survey intends to capture the needs of separating and/or separated families. This is your chance to inform us of your experiences of these services and your views regarding whether these services meet families’ needs.
If you are interested in sharing your thoughts and experiences, below are the details regarding the survey and how to access it.
Online survey
The online survey is completely anonymous and takes approximately 30 minutes. The survey closes at the end of January 2024.
Participation is completely voluntary. Declining to participate, or withdrawing your participation, will not affect your entitlement to services or your relationship with AIFS or anyone else.
Should you wish to participate, you are free to stop the survey at any time, to not answer any questions, and to delete your answers prior to submitting your responses.
Participants will be invited you to enter a random draw for one of five $100 grocery vouchers after the completion of the survey.
How to participate
For more information regarding the Review and the survey, please access the participant information sheet linked below. Within this document is the survey link should you wish to participate:
The participant information sheet provides you with information regarding how your data will be used and stored. Please consider the information within this link before accessing the survey. Any information that is obtained in connection with this research project and that can identify you will remain confidential unless otherwise permitted by you, or as required by law.
Contact details
If you would like to discuss this Review, have any problems accessing the survey, or you wish to withdraw your participation, please email: [email protected] or call 1800 720 142.
The participant information sheet also contains support contact information should you become distressed or upset:
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