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“What if parents disagree about their child getting the COVID vaccine?” and other FAQs

19 January, 2022


Family & Parenting

For many parents, COVID-19 has added to the stress of already difficult family circumstances. Your usual co-parenting arrangements might be disrupted by new challenges such as school closures, travel bans, social distancing, mask mandates, and conflicting opinions around vaccinations. These changes may be causing some uncertainty and anxiety for you and your child. We hope […]

For many parents, COVID-19 has added to the stress of already difficult family circumstances.

Your usual co-parenting arrangements might be disrupted by new challenges such as school closures, travel bans, social distancing, mask mandates, and conflicting opinions around vaccinations.

These changes may be causing some uncertainty and anxiety for you and your child.

We hope this information helps if you have questions about COVID impacting your situation.

As always, your child’s safety and best interests should be your main priority.


What can I do if my co-parent doesn’t want our child to get the COVID vaccine?

As the COVID vaccine becomes available to children, disagreements between parents may arise.

If safe to do so, you should discuss your concerns with your co-parent in a calm and respectful manner. This is a difficult time for everyone, so try to approach these conversations with empathy and understanding.

Both parents should refer to the same credible information about the vaccine, and seek professional advice from a trusted GP or specialist immunisation service

If you’re struggling to communicate respectfully or reach an agreement, mediation services or Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) may be a helpful option.

Our practitioners explain what mediation involves and how it can be beneficial in this blog post: What is Mediation?


Can I take my co-parent to court over the COVID vaccine?

If you’re unable to reach an agreement with your co-parent following mediation or FDR, going to court may be a last resort. This option can be greatly emotionally and financially taxing, so it’s best avoided wherever possible.

Further information, advice or referral to telephone-based dispute resolution services can be found on Family Relationships Online or by calling the Family Relationship Advice Line on 1800 050 321.


I have to isolate and can’t follow our Family Court Orders, but my co-parent is pressuring me to follow them. What should I do?

If COVID-19 health directives interfere with court orders, as a first step, and if it is safe to do so, you should discuss the situation with the other parent to see if you can agree on changes to your parenting arrangements.

If you’ve received written directives to isolate, it may also help to share these with the other parent.

Parents or carers must act reasonably at all times. If a Court Order isn’t followed, the Court will consider whether the person had a reasonable excuse for not complying with Court Orders. A reasonable excuse may include that it was necessary to protect the health and safety of a person.

Every family’s situation is unique, so you may like to obtain independent legal advice from a family lawyer to help you understand your legal responsibilities.


Our orders can’t be followed as one parent/guardian isn’t vaccinated. What should we do?

If you have concerns that you or the other parent can’t follow your parenting orders due to vaccination status, you should seek independent legal advice from a Family Lawyer.


Can the Police enforce our parenting orders if they’re not being followed?

No. State police aren’t able to enforce parenting orders and are unable to get involved unless there are serious safety concerns for the child.

Parenting orders can only be enforced in the Court where they were made. If you’re concerned that a party may have breached a parenting order, your first step should be to engage in mediation and/or seek legal advice.

If you believe your children are in immediate danger, please contact the police in your state on 000


Helpful Resources for Parents

We have more tips for co-parenting during COVID here: Co-Parenting During COVID-19

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Further reading

15 Apr 2021

Types of Domestic Violence

Domestic & Family Violence

30 Mar 2021

Dealing with Domestic Violence During the Coronavirus

COVID-19, Domestic & Family Violence