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New Baby, New Relationship Problems?

They tell you it’s going to be hard. They tell you about the sleepless nights, the spontaneous tears, and the guilt that you’re not doing it right, or not doing enough.

But what about the relationship changes that a new baby can bring?

Maybe you’re arguing more than ever. Maybe the romance seems out of reach. Or maybe you feel a distance between each other you’ve never felt before.

Every relationship changes after adding a baby to the equation. And while it might feel like things will never go back to the way they were, the good news is, it does get better.

If you’re experiencing these common relationship stresses after having a baby, please know that you’re not alone.


Communication Breakdown

Has your communication become transactional and all about baby? Missing the days of stimulating conversation and flirtatious banter?

As your days and nights revolve around feeding, changing, and consoling your new recruit, you probably don’t have the time or energy to focus on nurturing your relationship right now. This can make you feel disconnected and distant.

Try to find time each day to talk about the things you used to, keeping baby talk off the table. It doesn’t matter whether it’s idle gossip, politics, or your thoughts on the TV series you binge while you’re stuck under a cluster-feeding baby at 2am. Schedule this baby-free banter into your phone as a daily reminder if you have to.


Lack of Intimacy

Most new parents will experience a loss of sexual intimacy, with fantasies about sex being replaced with fantasies about sleep. There are several reasons why couples might feel their relationship has no room for romance after baby.

There’s the sleep deprivation thing, for a start. If you’re not sleeping in shifts and actually manage to jump in the sheets at the same time, you’re likely exhausted.

It can take months for new mums to recover after childbirth. And even once women have physically healed, they may feel ‘touched out’ from all the endless contact with bub, which can inhibit their desire to be intimate with a partner.

There are other ways to maintain intimacy and feel close to your partner, such as holding hands, cuddling, and looking into each other’s eyes. You could also up the words of affirmation in your relationship in place of physical touch, expressing romantic feelings with an “I love you” or an unprompted “You look great today”.


Division of Domestic Duties

Babies may be tiny, but they bring with them a big list of additional household chores. Sure, you did the laundry and dishes and vacuuming before, but they were never as urgent as they are with an infant.

The unequal division of domestic labour has long been a common issue among couples. It’s no secret women generally take on more than their fair share of the housework (even if they work the same amount of hours as their partner), but research shows this inequality gets worse after baby comes.

Both partners should work together to divide chores and childcare duties fairly. This would ideally be discussed and sorted before birth, but it’s never too late to sit down together and decide on a system that works for you both.


Financial Priorities

Raising a human is expensive. Initial big-ticket items like a bassinet, cot, car seat, pram, and change table quickly add up, and ongoing costs like nappies, food, medical expenses, and day care also take their toll.

Money is one of the biggest stressors for many couples. Research shows more than half (52%) of Aussie couples argue about money. It’s no surprise finances and who pays for what can cause tension between new parents who are adapting to living on one income and may not have the freedom to splurge on unnecessary items without a second thought.

This is why it’s a good idea to trial living on one income for a few months before baby comes to get used to living within your new means. A shared budget spreadsheet couldn’t hurt, either.


Opposing Parenting Styles

It’s hard to know how you’ll feel about sleep training, dummies, and discipline until you’re a parent making the big decisions.

Some first-time parents find they’re not as in sync with their partner’s parenting style as they thought they’d be. This can lead to some raised eyebrows and heated arguments.

While you may need to agree on some things for consistency’s sake, there are other times when you may need to relent control and bite your tongue. If the to-dos are getting ticked off and your little one is healthy and happy, it doesn’t always matter whether your partner is doing things the way you would or not.

Having a hard time? We offer counselling for individuals and couples to facilitate discussion and explore issues such as conflict, intimacy problems, parenting issues, and depression. Learn more and book an appointment here.

Relationships Australia provides more helpful advice for new parents in this tips sheet.

How to Help a Teenager Build Self-Esteem

It’s tough being a teen. Even kids who seemed confident during childhood may struggle with physical changes, confusing emotions, and social pressures throughout adolescence.

Teenagers might feel self-conscious about their appearance, question their abilities, and stress about decisions for their future. This period of intense physical and emotional growth can be overwhelming for both teens and their parents/caregivers.

With the right support, you can help your self-conscious teenager navigate these formative years and grow into a confident young adult.


Model Confidence

One of the best ways to help build a teenager’s confidence is to show them what confidence looks like. Face new challenges with courage, avoid making critical statements about yourself and others, and show resilience when you make mistakes.

Demonstrate the importance of being happy within yourself instead of relying on other people or external circumstances for happiness. This is an important lesson for teens to learn, as they can be especially dependent on their peers (and romantic relationships) during this time.


Promote Positive Self-Talk

A toxic inner monologue can have a huge impact on how we feel about ourselves – whatever our age.

If your teen is constantly thinking and speaking negatively about themselves, it can really eat away at their self-esteem. Self-conscious teenagers tend to put themselves down, catastrophise (or jump to worst-case scenario), and focus on the negatives.

Encourage positive self-talk and teach your teen how to reframe irrational, unhelpful thoughts. For example, try replacing “She didn’t text me back – she must not like me anymore” with “She must be too busy to text right now, and that has nothing to do with me as a person”. Instead of “I’m going to fail this test because I’m not smart enough”, try “I can pass this test if I study hard and try my best”.


Encourage Them to try New Things

Learning new things and engaging in diverse activities and interests can help teens gain a sense of purpose and build their confidence.

Encourage your teenager to explore new opportunities and develop new skills by picking up a hobby or sport. This will also give them a chance to expand their social circle and meet likeminded people outside of their friendship group at school.


Commend Effort Over Outcome

We can control our effort, but we can’t always control the outcome. Teach your teen about the importance of trying their best rather than putting all the focus on whether they succeed or not.

For example, instead of praising them for doing well on a test, tell them how proud you are of them for studying and preparing for the test. Emphasise their hard work and perseverance so they know it’s OK if things don’t go the way they hoped, as long as they did their best.


Listen Without Lecturing

While it may be tempting to jump in and offer advice or fix your teenager’s problems, this can actually hinder their ability to find their own solutions and grow through experience.

Sometimes we just need a good vent, and opening up about our problems isn’t always an invitation for advice. Let them know they can come to you to work through their issues and options without getting a lecture.


Practise Social Skills

If your teen gets nervous in social situations or has trouble asserting themselves, try a little role play. Create a safe space for them to practise approaching someone and starting a conversation, focusing on the basics such as posture, body language, and showing an interest in others.

Give them a chance to rehearse difficult conversations with peers or teachers to help them build their confidence for the real thing.


Our friendly and professional counsellors have experience with a wide range of issues such as self-esteem, body image, bullying, anxiety and depression. You can learn more about our counselling services and make an appointment here.

Tips for Separating with Kids

Separation can be an upsetting time for everyone involved.

Separating or divorcing with kids brings its own unique challenges as you help them make sense of big changes in the family. Children might feel confused, sad, or even angry. But there are ways you can help them better understand and cope.

Relationship Counsellor Shirley Hussie explains, “It’s not always parents separating that causes the psychological distress for children, but the way in which parents separate.”

With the right support, you can make your child’s wellbeing your top priority and reduce their stress and pain during this unsettling time.


How to Talk to Kids about Separation

While kids need to know their parents are separating or getting a divorce, they generally don’t need to know why.

When telling your kids about your divorce or separation, it’s important to keep it simple, stick to the facts, and reassure them that they are in no way responsible.

“Reassure the children they are loved, the separation is in no way their fault, and they will continue a relationship with both parents,” Shirley advises. “There is no rulebook – what works for one may not work for another. However, knowing they are loved and safe is fundamental.”

Some things to keep in mind when talking to your kids about your separation might include:

  • If you can, try to agree with your ex-partner in advance on an explanation for your separation or divorce so you’re both on the same page and don’t confuse your kids
  • Don’t blame, criticise, or belittle the other parent in front of your kids
  • Keep your explanation clear, simple, and appropriate to their age and stage of development
  • Reassure them that they have not done anything wrong and that there is nothing they can do to get their parents back together
  • Tell them that you both love them and they will continue to have a relationship with both parents
  • Address any practical issues (e.g. changes to routines, living arrangements)
  • Give them opportunities to ask questions and express how they’re feeling.


Helping Kids through Divorce or Separation

“Parents separating has a profound impact on children,” Shirley explains. “They can feel confused, responsible, angry, lost, sad, lonely, and hurt.”

You can help your children adjust to their new circumstances with these practical tips.


  • Try to maintain as much consistency in their routines as you can
  • Introduce any changes to routines as gradually as possible
  • Provide reassurance with affection and by telling them “I love you”
  • Protect them from any conflict between you and the other parent
  • Encourage discussion about their feelings and concerns
  • Help them identify their feelings and let them know it’s normal and OK to feel that way
  • Give them opportunities to hear about other children who have experienced separation/divorce
  • Spend time strengthening your parenting skills
  • Support their relationship with the other parent
  • Ask caregivers/teachers to let you know if they notice changes in your child’s behaviour.


  • Lean on them for emotional support
  • Blame or speak negatively about the other parent in front of them
  • Use your child to play ‘messenger’ between you and the other parent
  • Ask your child to ‘spy’ or report back to you after spending time with the other parent
  • Give your child responsibilities that are inappropriate to their age (e.g. too many household responsibilities).

“Let them continue to be children and have fun,” says Shirley. “This is not their burden to carry.”

If you notice significant changes in your child’s behaviour, such as grief, crying, withdrawing, aggression, physical complaints (e.g. headaches, stomach aches), changes in sleeping or eating patterns, it may be a sign your child isn’t coping during this tough time.


You can find more advice to assist your children through your separation in the helpful booklet What About the Children?.

Learn about Relationships Australia QLD’s separation support services here.

If you’re recently separated or thinking about separating, you might find our separation checklist helpful.

50 Fun Things to Do as a Family

How are you keeping your kids entertained these school holidays?

Some days call for hours of Disney+. But there are others where you want to make the most of your time together with child-friendly things to do as a family.

We’ve compiled a list of our favourite things to do with kids to share adventures – big and small – and make memories that last a lifetime.

Nothing against Nemo, but we think these fun family activities will be your kids’ new favourite things to do during the school holidays.


1. Visit your local library

Libraries offer endless new and exciting stories to take home, and little ones will love having their own special library card.


2. Have a family games night

Who doesn’t like Go Fish or Connect Four? Add some friendly competition with prizes like chocolates or extra TV time for the kids.


3. Set up a lemonade stand in your driveway

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade – then sell it to your neighbours for a small profit.


4. Bake cookies or cupcakes together

Sugary baked goods are the stuff of childhood dreams. Have fun with novelty cookie cutters and decorative icing pens.


5. Go on a picnic

Make some sandwiches or grab some takeaway and head to your favourite park or beach to get some fresh air.


6. Visit a farm

Take your kids to pat some baby farm animals and learn where fresh produce comes from. Families Magazine lists some great farms near Brisbane here.


7. Plant a herb or veggie garden

Get your hands dirty and spend a day in the garden planting your favourite herbs and veggies. Imagine how excited your little ones will be when it’s time to harvest!


8. Create collages from old magazines

If no one has opened those magazines on your coffee table for months, why not repurpose them for some arts and crafts? You could cut letters out to spell out your names or make a vision board of your favourite things.


9. Make tie-dye t-shirts

Give an old t-shirt a new look with some funky tie-dye. There are endless tutorials for tie-dying t-shirts, like this one from Parents.


10. Film a family music video

Every budding superstar will jump at the chance to dress up and perform their favourite song. Plus, catching it on film will give you arsenal for their 18th or 21st birthday.


11. Build a fort in the living room

Ah, the quintessential rainy day activity. Living room forts are best enjoyed with lots of cuddly blankets and pillows, and plenty of good snacks.


12. Go fishing

You don’t have to be a family of avid fishermen to enjoy casting a line. A day on the water is always fun, even if you leave empty-handed. 


13. Make a mural with chalk

Chalk is a great go-to for affordable family fun. Collaborate on a mural on the driveway or footpath. The best part is, you can hose it off and try again tomorrow.


14. Do a science experiment

Can you remember the first time you witnessed a baking soda and vinegar ‘volcano’ in all its glory? Gift that experience to your kids these school holidays.


15. Visit a national park

You can add an educational element by downloading a plant-identifying app like PlantSnap – it’s like Shazam for plants.


16. Make homemade pizzas

The only thing more fun than eating pizza is making it. Grab your favourite toppings and make an afternoon of it. Extra points for making your own dough!


17. Have a water balloon/water pistol fight

If the weather and the water restrictions permit, a good old-fashioned water fight is a great way to get outside and pass the time on warm days.


18. Fly a kite

Flying a kite is a whole lot of fun – especially if you’ve made your own. Find an open outdoor space on a windy day and get soaring.


19. Make ice cream

No ice-cream machine? No problem. Making your own delicious dessert is easier than you might think. This tutorial shows you how in six easy steps.


20. Go backyard camping

Who says you have to book a campsite to enjoy a night under the stars? Pitch a tent in the yard and prepare all your best ghost stories for some family fun.


21. Paint self-portraits

Move over, stick figures – self-portraits are the new form of art taking over the space on the fridge.


22. Do a LEGO challenge

Maybe NASA needs a new rocket, or perhaps Cinderella is in the market for a new castle. Take turns coming up with fun ideas for builds.


23. Make a playdough family

Ever wondered how you’d look in playdough? Find out how your kids really see you with this fun family activity.


24.  Make jewellery

You can buy DIY jewellery kits from your nearest craft or department store, or get creative using pipe cleaners, alfoil, string and uncooked macaroni.


25. Create with clay

Like playdough, but permanent. Make some funky bowls or cute animals out of clay from your local Bunnings or craft store.


26. Go digging for treasure

Hide some chocolate coins in the garden beds (wrapped and sealed, of course), hand your kids some shovels, and enjoy a cuppa.


27. Paint each other’s faces

This is a fun way to express your creativity and test your painting skills – just don’t forget to wash it off before getting the groceries.


28. Make shadow drawings

Toys and household objects can make some interesting shapes. Simply place the item in the sun so it casts a shadow onto paper, then trace.


29. Create nature masks

You don’t have to spend a fortune on craft supplies to make cool masks. Just head into your own backyard and you’re sure to find eye-catching leaves, bark and more to glue onto your paper mask.


30. Make potato prints

Cut a potato in half, carve in some shapes, cover the carved side in paint, and press onto paper.


31. Act out a scene from your favourite movie or book

Everyone has a scene that’s stuck with them for one reason or another. Dress up in your best makeshift costumes and perform it as a family.


32. Learn a magic trick

Kidspot has some great child-friendly magic tricks even kids with short attention spans will love to learn.


33. Create origami

Paper origami is a great indoor activity for kids. Try making traditional cranes or have some fun with cats and dogs.


34. Have a photography competition

Are you living with the next Annie Leibovitz? Give each family member a turn snapping pics on your phone to discover who has the best photography skills.


35. Visit a dog park

Even if you don’t have a dog, you can still have fun watching the pups play. Pick out your favourites together and try to guess what their names are.


36. Do an alphabet scavenger hunt

Can you find an object that starts with every letter of the alphabet in your home?


37. Create a dinosaur city

If your kids have toy dinosaurs, give them a Lost World of their own by making a dinosaur city out of rocks, sticks, dirt, and leaves from the backyard.


38. Make a racetrack through the house

Create an elaborate racetrack for toy cars by placing coloured electrical tape or masking tape on the floor throughout the house. Just be sure to pick the toys up when the fun is done to avoid any bruises.


39. Learn the alphabet in sign language

Some of our favourite things to do with kids involve learning something new. You’ll find plenty of tutorials for the AUSLAN alphabet online.


40. Learn a dance

This is a great way to have fun while tricking your kids into exercise. If your little ones are too young to learn choreography, just play their favourite tunes and have a freestyle boogie instead.


41. Make your family tree

Older kids might be especially interested to learn about their family history by making a family tree with you. 


42. Create a family scrapbook

Print off all those photos on your phone and make a scrapbook you can look back at for years to come.


43. Make nail art

Nail art is a fun and creative way to kill time and express yourself. There are endless designs to bring some personality to your manicure, such as spots, hearts, ladybugs, watermelons, and more.


44. Play mini golf

Mini golf or putt putt is a challenging and exciting family activity for all ages. A little incentive goes a long way, so throw in a small prize if you want to make things more interesting.


45. Go on a road trip

Stuck in the house? Take a drive to a town you’ve never visited. Check out the main street, take some photos, and grab some lunch.


46. Make a time capsule

In an airtight box, add some journal entries and personal items that best summarise life right now. Open together in ten years (if you have the self-control to wait).


47. Swap lives

Kids will love dressing up in your clothes and impersonating your role in the house.


48. Go for a bike ride

An oldie but a goodie, bike rides are a great way to get outdoors with the family. Play I Spy while riding if you want to spice things up.


49. Go bowling

Another family favourite for competitive kids, ten-pin bowling is a fun way to spend a couple of hours out and about.


50. See a movie

When all else fails, head to the cinemas.


For more family fun, check out these 10 self-isolation activities for kids.

Supporting families recovering from disasters

The flood waters are slowly residing to reveal the extent of damage to property, personal belongings, and loved ones including pets.  Enormous loss is experienced on  all levels, for the individual, family and communities affected. Impacts of natural disasters are usually felt in two waves, the first is the physical impact of the task before us, the clean up, insurance claims, replacing property, grieving over lost items, photos, pets.
The first wave is generally a call to action, people busy themselves doing what they can to have a productive impact on recovering from the disaster.  The second wave is somewhat more complicated in that it normally hits once life starts to resemble normal once again, after the clean up is over, and life is functional again.  It is at this time that we slow down and the grief and loss catches up with us.  It is critical that we support ourselves and one another through both of these impact times.
Tips for managing immediately after the crisis:

  • Don’t be afraid to talk about how you are feeling
  • Physical productivity assists with the sense of moving forward and is therapeutic, but be careful no to overdo it
  • Don’t allow the clean up to consume you 24/7, take time for a conversation with a friend, or a walk or drive to change the scenery, even 5 minutes helps.
  • Remember to eat regularly, be mindful of sleeping patterns, and monitor alcohol consumption
  • Set yourself a reasonable ‘to do’ list each day
  • Accept help that is offered, don’t go it alone
  • Stay connected with family, friends, community supports

Tips for managing after things settle down:

  • Reflect positively on your achievements in pulling everything back together
  • Reflect on those family or friends or neighbours that helped out, also on what you have done or others
  • Continue to talk about the experience when you need to
  • This may be a good time to talk to someone with skills in the area, a local community counselling service can assist.