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How to Address Discrimination

Discrimination happens all around us, both online and in real life. It makes people feel unsafe, unwelcome, and like they have to hide who they are.

Whether you’re a part of a group that typically experiences discrimination or not, it’s important that we do all we can to let those on the receiving end know they are welcome and safe.

Speaking out against discrimination (when safe to do so) can be an important way to show support.

We offer some advice to address discrimination when you witness or experience it in your life.

What is discrimination?

Discrimination is the unfair treatment of people and groups based on traits such as race, gender, age, or sexual orientation. It can be extremely damaging and, in many cases, is against the law.

Mission Australia’s Youth Survey Report 2020 revealed that young Australians aged 15-19 years old have significant concerns relating to equity and discrimination.

For the first time, equity and discrimination was reported as the top national issue for young people, rising from third place in 2019 (24.8%) to the top spot in 2020 (40.2%) – an increase of more than 60% year on year.

Discrimination can happen anywhere, from school and work to the shopping centre and on public transport. Obvious examples of discrimination might be someone not getting a promotion because they’re pregnant, or someone of Asian heritage being blamed for COVID-19.

Here are some other more general examples of discrimination:

  • Being teased, bullied, harassed, or threatened
  • Being excluded or left out
  • Being ganged up on
  • Being made fun of
  • Being made to do hurtful or inappropriate things
  • Having to defend who you are and what you believe against stereotypes.


Speaking Out Against Discrimination

If you see something that makes you uncomfortable, you can voice your concerns. It’s important to make sure you keep your safety your number-one priority in these situations, though.

Sometimes, speaking up can put you at risk of being hurt – whether physically or emotionally.

If you don’t feel confident or safe taking a stand against discrimination, you can show support in other ways, like by offering help to the person/people affected so they don’t feel alone.

Or you can ask someone with authority to step in, like a parent, teacher, boss, or even the police.

If you feel like it is a safe situation for you to speak up, you might like to keep these things in mind when addressing discrimination:

  • Be calm and direct. If you can’t stay calm, try walking away and approaching the person later.
  • If possible, ask someone to join you so you’re presenting a united front. There’s safety in numbers.
  • Use “I” statements to avoid sounding accusatory. For example, “I noticed you singled this person out” or “I’m uncomfortable with that joke.”
  • Explain that what they’ve said or done has upset you or could hurt others. If they’re speaking out of ignorance, this could be a good opportunity to educate them and help them see a different perspective.


If you’re impacted by discrimination, counselling might help. Our counsellors can support you to explore the issues you’re facing and find possible solutions. You can learn more about our counselling service here, or call 1300 364 277 to make an appointment.

Are you lonely working from home?

COVID-19 restrictions had many of us working from home for long periods of time, and some of us are still firing up our laptops from the home office or couch.

Working from home has its perks, such as sleep-ins, flexibility, and saving on fuel – but it also has its pitfalls. As we spend more and more time working remotely, we’re learning just how much it can impact our mental health and happiness.

This article will explore some of the psychological effects of working from home and how to avoid loneliness without the social interactions of a workplace.


Psychological Effects of Working from Home

Beyond feeling a bit distracted or out of sorts, working from home can have some more serious effects on our mental health.

Research shows some of the negative impacts of working from home include:

  • Loss of social connection
  • Difficulty ‘switching off’ from work
  • Overworking
  • Stress
  • Depression
  • Anxiety.

If you feel like the “working from home honeymoon” is over, you’re not alone.

In a survey conducted by Relationships Australia in 2020, a whopping 87% of respondents reported a significant change to their workplace since the start of COVID-19, and 63% of respondents agreed these workplace changes have impacted their mental health.


How to Maintain Social Connections While Working from Home

The workplace has been an important meeting point for many professionals. A lot of Aussies rely on our colleagues to fill our social cups, and working from home has had a huge impact on these connections.

75% of our 2020 survey respondents who strongly agreed that their workplace was part of their social life experienced a change to their mental health when working from home.

Here are a few ways to maintain your social connections with colleagues while watercooler chats aren’t an option:

  • Schedule social catchups – Missing casual Friday afternoons in the office when you’d drop tools early and chat weekend plans? Just because you’re working from home doesn’t mean you have to miss out on those social catchups. Bring some culture and fun back to your workday and find a time to catch up with your colleagues over Zoom.
  • Choose video over email – Giving or asking for feedback? Collaborating on a project? Next time you need to reach out to a workmate, consider whether it could be beneficial to talk over video chat instead of email. This can give you a social boost and help solve any work-related issues sooner – win-win!
  • Book regular one-on-ones with your boss – Regular one-on-ones can help build trust and provide an opportunity to voice any concerns. Depending on what’s appropriate for your role, ask your boss for weekly, fortnightly, or monthly catchups to touch base and get some human interaction.

If you need some extra support at the moment, counselling might help. Our experienced counsellors can help you explore your concerns and possible solutions in a safe and supportive environment.

You can learn more about our counselling service here, or call 1300 364 277 to make an appointment.

Learn more interesting ways COVID-19 workplace changes have impacted our mental health here.

What is Mum Guilt?

Am I doing enough? Am I doing it right? Am I a good mum?

A recent study of 900 mums found 78% felt guilty, with 68% feeling this way at least once a day. So where does mum guilt or parental guilt come from, and how can we deal with it?

We explore the phenomenon of mum guilt and some strategies to cope with it here.


What causes mum guilt?

Parenting raises endless decisions. Will you breastfeed or bottle feed? Continue in your career or stay at home? Make your own baby food or buy off the shelves?

All these choices can become overwhelming, and no matter what decision you make, it seems you can always find a way to doubt yourself. Let’s face it, when it comes to ‘getting it right’, the stakes have never seemed higher.

Mum guilt/parental guilt stems from these doubts and the natural and overwhelming desire to do the very best for your child.

Add to this the external pressures: information overload, and the (often unwelcome) judgements and opinions of everyone around us, and it’s no wonder we’re questioning our every move.

And then there’s the stuff no one talks about: When you’re struggling so badly and feel so alone that you want to quit parenthood altogether and hide away from everyone and everything. Parenting is hard, and when the sleep deprivation and general overwhelm of raising a tiny human becomes too much, you feel guilty about that, too.

I wanted this. I should be grateful. I’m a bad parent for not loving every second.

Mum guilt can show up in many ways and may lead to mental health issues like anxiety and postnatal depression.

We explore some of the signs of postnatal depression and where to get support in this blog post.


How to deal with mum or parental guilt

If you’re struggling under the weight of guilt around being a good parent, just remember you’re not alone. For many people, motherhood and guilt go hand in hand. But there are a few strategies that may help.

Practice self-compassion

We can be our own toughest critic – especially when it comes to parenting. Make a conscious effort to be kinder to yourself and interrupt that negative monologue. If you wouldn’t say it to a friend, don’t say it to yourself.

Acknowledge little wins

Parenting is hard. Don’t forget all the small stuff you’re accomplishing every single day. Got the kids fed and dressed and out the door? Win. Did a load of washing during naptime? Win. Maintained your sanity for another day? Win!

All these everyday victories should be celebrated, because it’s the little wins that make you an amazing parent.

Stop comparing

Social media makes it easier than ever to weigh ourselves up against our peers and strangers with ‘perfect’ lives. Whether it’s online or in real life, try not to compare yourself to other parents. What works for some may not work for others. Just remind yourself that you’re doing the best you can.

Look after yourself

Kids don’t want a perfect mum – they want a happy mum.

When you have kids, being a parent can become your main identity. But it’s important to nurture who you are outside of that and prioritise your personal needs.

Ask for help when you need it, and continue the hobbies, interests, and relationships you enjoyed before bub. You can’t fill from an empty cup, and maintaining your mental health and happiness will benefit you and your family.


If you need some extra help coping with life right now, talking to a counsellor might help.  Learn about our confidential counselling service and how to book an appointment here, or call 1300 364 277.

For more advice, check out our tips to silence your inner critic.

What are Panic Attacks?

Panic attacks are more common than you might think. In fact, up to 5 in every 100 Australians will experience a panic attack at some stage in their life.

A panic attack is a sudden brief episode of intense anxiety that can bring on the physical symptoms of fear and make you feel out of control. Symptoms might include a racing heart, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, and tightness in the chest.

The panic generally peaks after about 10 minutes, and it can take around half an hour to subside.

This blog post will explore some of the causes of panic attacks and offer some strategies for when you’re experiencing a panic attack or can feel one coming on.

It’s important to remember that having a panic attack doesn’t necessarily mean you have a panic or anxiety disorder, and some people living with an anxiety disorder won’t experience panic attacks.


What causes panic attacks?

Panic attacks can come on suddenly and without any warning at first. But over time, they’re normally triggered by certain situations.

It’s not known exactly what causes panic attacks, but risk factors may include:

  • Family history of panic attacks or panic disorder
  • Chronic, persistent stress
  • Changes in the way your brain functions
  • Major life stress such as death or serious illness of a loved one
  • Major life change such as divorce or new baby
  • Traumatic event such as sexual assault or a serious accident
  • A personality that’s sensitive to stress or negative emotions.


What to do when having a panic attack

Panic attacks can be scary – especially if they come out of nowhere. These strategies might help stop a panic attack if you’re having one or feel one coming on:

  • Reassure yourself that your symptoms are uncomfortable but not life-threatening.
  • Remember past panic attacks you’ve gotten through. This is temporary and it will pass.
  • Try deep-breathing exercises. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your stomach. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth, paying attention to how your stomach rises and falls.
  • Focus your attention on something outside of your body and symptoms. For example, recite the words to your favourite song, or concentrate on the sights and sounds around you.

Check out our printable infographic for more ways to self-soothe using your senses.


If you struggle with panic attacks, talking to a counsellor may help. You can learn about our counselling services here, or call 1300 364 277 to book an appointment in person, over the phone, or via Zoom video.

Read about the most common types of anxiety in this blog post.

What is Hangxiety?

Enjoying a few drinks with friends can be fun – but the hangover anxiety that can follow is anything but.

‘Hangxiety’ has become a popular term to describe the feeling of anxiety after drinking. You may be familiar with the physical symptoms of a hangover, like a headache and nausea. But the morning after a big night can also bring psychological symptoms, like fear and shame around something you may have said or done.

This article will dive into the science and psychology behind hangxiety and how to cope with an alcohol-induced anxiety spike.


Why do we get anxiety after drinking?

There’s a reason we might reach for a drink to wind down after a long day.

Many people use alcohol to relax and loosen up – especially in social situations – because drinking alcohol has a calming effect on the body. It blocks glutamate, a chemical responsible for anxiety.

It can give us that familiar “buzz” – feeling relaxed, less anxious, and maybe a bit more easy-going and quicker to laugh.

But when the effects of alcohol wear off, our brain tries to rebalance things by producing more glutamate to make up for what it sees as a ‘deficit’. But what we’re left with is a bit of a glutamate ‘overload’ and added anxiety and stress.

People with high levels of shyness may be more prone to hangxiety than others. A 2019 study measured levels of anxiety in people of varying levels of shyness before, during, and after drinking and sober periods. It found those who drank alcohol saw some decrease in anxiety symptoms when drinking, and those who were highly shy tended to have higher levels of anxiety the next day.

Some common symptoms of hangxiety include:

  • Restlessness
  • Irritability/moodiness
  • Inability to focus on normal tasks
  • Racing heart
  • Excessive sweating
  • Racing or unwanted thoughts
  • Feeling overwhelming shame, worry or embarrassment from previous night.

People with an existing anxiety disorder can be more likely to experience hangxiety, but experiencing hangxiety doesn’t necessarily mean you have an anxiety disorder.


How to handle hangover anxiety

If you’ve woken up from a big night with more than a sore head, these strategies may help ease your hangxiety.

Look after your body

First things first: Do what you can to keep your body functioning and feeling as good as possible. Avoiding caffeine, staying hydrated with plenty of water and eating small, light meals can help reduce your physical and psychological symptoms.

Get enough rest

Alcohol and disrupted sleep often go hand in hand, and poor sleep can worsen hangxiety symptoms. If you’ve skimped on your eight hours and have the chance to catch up on some sleep, get horizontal and close those eyes.

Try relaxation exercises

There are endless anxiety exercises that can help calm your brain and promote relaxation, such as:

  • Inhaling through your nose for four seconds, holding for seven, and exhaling through your mouth for eight.
  • Doing a mindfulness body scan and checking in with the sensations from your head to your toes.
  • Interrupting anxious thoughts by listening to upbeat music or thinking of happy memories with someone you love.

If you need some extra support coping with feelings of anxiety, talking to a counsellor can help. You can learn about our counselling services here, or call 1300 364 277 to book an appointment in person, over the phone, or via Zoom video.

Learn about some of the different types of anxiety in this blog post.

Signs of an Eating Disorder

Are you worried you or someone you know might have an unhealthy relationship with food?

According to the Butterfly Foundation, ‘disordered eating’ refers to eating patterns that can include restrictive dieting, compulsive eating, or skipping meals.

The number of people in Australia with an eating disorder at any given time is estimated to be around 1 million – approximately 4% of the population.

Lifetime prevalence for eating disorders is approximately 9% of the Australian population.

Some of the most common eating disorders include binge-eating disorder, anorexia, and bulimia.

While everyone’s experience is different, these are some behavioural and physical signs that could indicate an eating disorder.

It’s important to remember that someone with an eating disorder may encounter some or none of these symptoms, and experiencing one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have an eating disorder.


Behavioural signs of an eating disorder

  • Extreme fear of gaining weight
  • Negative or distorted body image
  • Preoccupation with weight, food, calories, carbohydrates, fat grams, and dieting
  • Refusal to eat certain foods or restricting against whole food groups (e.g. no sugar or no carbohydrates)
  • Uncomfortable eating in public or around others
  • Making excuses for not eating
  • Food rituals (e.g. eats only a particular food or food group, doesn’t allow foods to touch on plate)
  • Skipping meals or only eating small portions of food at regular mealtimes
  • New habits with food or fad diets (e.g. vegetarianism/veganism, no dairy)
  • Withdrawal from friends, family, and usual interests
  • Frequent dieting
  • Excessive exercising
  • Excessive concern with body size and shape
  • Frequent checking in the mirror
  • Irritability or extreme mood swings.


Physical signs of an eating disorder

  • Fluctuations in weight, both up and down
  • Stomach cramps and other complaints (e.g. constipation, acid reflux)
  • Menstrual irregularities
  • Difficulty focusing
  • Anaemia, low thyroid function, low hormone levels, low potassium, low white and red blood cell counts
  • Dizziness and fainting
  • Feeling cold all the time
  • Difficulty sleeping or staying asleep
  • Dental problems (e.g. cavities, discolouration of teeth, tooth sensitivity)
  • Dry skin and hair, brittle nails
  • Fine hair on body (lanugo)
  • Muscle weakness
  • Impaired immune function.


Where to get help

Our counsellors offer a respectful and confidential space to speak with you about your concerns and provide referrals to appropriate support services.

You can learn more about our counselling services here, or call 1300 364 277 to book an appointment.

Eating disorders are complex mental illnesses caused by genetics and environmental factors, and negative body image is just one potential contributor.

With this in mind, we’ve listed 10 ways you can encourage a healthier body image mindset for yourself and/or your children in this blog post.

What is PTSD?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event or ongoing traumatic events.

It’s only human to have intense reactions to traumatic incidents that threaten us or others – like death, a car accident, domestic violence, serious injury, or sexual abuse. Everyone responds differently to these shocking and overwhelming events, and some people can develop PTSD.

Research shows about 20% of people who are exposed to traumatic events develop PTSD, and about 12% of people living in Australia will experience PTSD in their lifetime.

We discuss some of the signs and symptoms of PTSD here, as well as where you can get help if you’re struggling.


Signs and Symptoms of PTSD

It’s important to remember that everyone responds differently to traumatic or unpleasant life events.

Someone with PTSD may encounter some or none of these symptoms, and experiencing one or more of these symptoms doesn’t necessarily mean you have PTSD.

While everyone’s experience is different, these are some of the common symptoms of PTSD:

  • Flashbacks (reliving the traumatic event as if it was happening again)
  • Intrusive thoughts/memories of the traumatic event
  • Dreams/nightmares about the traumatic event
  • Distress response to things that remind them of the traumatic event
  • Avoiding talking or thinking about the traumatic event
  • Memory problems, including not remembering important aspects of the traumatic event
  • Negative thoughts about themselves, others, or the world
  • Hopelessness about the future
  • Difficulty maintaining close relationships
  • Feeling detached from family and friends
  • Lack of interest in activities they once enjoyed
  • Difficulty experiencing positive emotions
  • Emotional numbness
  • Feeling ‘jumpy’ or on guard for danger
  • Being easily startled or frightened
  • Self-destructive behaviours (e.g. drug and alcohol abuse or reckless driving)
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Irritability, angry outbursts or aggressive behaviour
  • Overwhelming guilt or shame.


Help for PTSD

If you or someone you know is living with PTSD, help is available. You can call us on 1300 364 277 to speak to a counsellor or get help finding the right service for you.

Anxiety in Children

It’s normal for children to occasionally feel worried or anxious – such as when they start school or move to a new town. But for some children, anxiety can have an impact on how they think, behave and function every day.

Research shows almost 7% of Australian children aged 4-11 struggle with clinical symptoms of anxiety.

We asked RAQ Clinical Supervisor Karen Marshall to share some of the signs of anxiety in children, as well as some tips to help them manage it.


Signs of Anxiety in Children

Not everyone who has anxiety will experience the same symptoms, but these are some of the most common anxiety symptoms in children:

  • Crying often
  • Not eating properly
  • Using the toilet often
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability and outbursts
  • Rapid breathing or heartbeat
  • Being tired for no real season
  • Restlessness, fidgeting, or shakiness
  • Difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
  • Complaining of tummy aches and feeling unwell
  • Constantly worrying or having negative thoughts
  • Being clingy or worrying about parental abandonment
  • Regression (denying ability to do tasks previously mastered).

It’s important to keep an eye out for these symptoms if you’re worried your child is having a hard time.

“Noticing children’s behaviours is a way to pick up on cues that children may be anxious, whether the child verbalises their anxiety or not,” Karen explains.


Causes of Anxiety in Children

Anxiety can develop in people of all ages for many different reasons. Some common causes for anxiety in children might include:

  • Abuse or neglect
  • Lack of predictable routine
  • Frequently moving house or school
  • The death of a close relative or friend
  • School-related issues like exams or bullying
  • Living with adults who are stressed or anxious
  • Conflict or tension between parents/caregivers
  • Becoming seriously ill or getting injured in an accident
  • Overemphasis on expected achievement (whether external or internal pressure).

“Friction or conflict between parents/caregivers can contribute considerably to anxiety in children,” says Karen. “Parents seeking their own support and reducing conflict can be best for reducing children’s anxiety around these matters.”


How to Support a Child Struggling with Anxiety

Karen offers a few tips to help your child cope with their anxiety and get through stressful situations.


Ask them how they’re feeling

If you notice your child is experiencing some symptoms of anxiety, confront the issue and ask them how they’re feeling.

“Talk to them calmly,” says Karen. “Help them to externalise the worry. For example, supporting them to draw their worry can be helpful.”

Listen with empathy and understanding, and avoid using invalidating phrases like stop being such a baby or there’s nothing to worry about. These can make your child feel unsupported and shameful about their anxious thoughts, which can make the anxiety even worse.

“It’s important that parents don’t minimise the child’s feelings,” Karen explains.

Your child is entitled to their feelings, and it’s your job to help them find healthy ways to cope when they get overwhelmed.


Model self-care

Kids pick up signals from adults. By showing calmness in stressful situations, you can model examples of healthy coping.

“Modelling self-care strategies to children is one important way a parent can support a child who is anxious,” Karen explains.

“For example, when driving in traffic with children and fearing you’re late for an appointment, take a deep breath and let it out slowly. Say to your children wow, this traffic is bad, but there’s nothing we can do about it. So let’s sing a song or talk about our favorite holiday/food/animal.”


Focus on their strengths

Children crave positive reinforcement from their parents/carers. Helping your child recognise their strengths can boost their self-esteem and help them remember when they’ve made it through tough times in the past.

“For example, if they’re worried about meeting new friends at a new school, remind them of the things that make them a good friend. Encourage them to smile to let people know they’re friendly,” suggests Karen.


Talk to their teacher

“Speaking to a child’s teacher or other key adults in a child’s life can give clarity and provide insight,” explains Karen.

“For example, some children don’t like to tell their parents they’re being bullied or having an unhappy time in their friendship groups, as many children see themselves as the cause of this rather than the victim. A teacher or other adult may be able to provide information that can be helpful.”


Be patient with them

Anxiety can sometimes impact a child’s behaviour. If your anxious child is misbehaving, try to have some understanding and keep things in perspective.

“It’s important to be open to seeing challenging behavior in children as an expression of anxiety or even trauma, and approach management of this behavior with calm and compassion,” says Karen.

“The support of a professional is always helpful to determine the cause of certain behaviors.”


Seek professional help

It’s a good idea to seek professional help or reassurance yourself if your child is constantly anxious and it’s not getting better and/or impacting their school or family life.

“Anxiety can lead to habitual behaviors. Contacting a professional for support can be useful in this case,” Karen explains. “Psychologists and counsellors who work with children will often recommend specific strategies accompanied by reward charts to support the child to break these habits.”

And don’t forget to look after yourself, too.

“Adults looking after their own wellbeing, modelling good strategies around their own anxiety, and seeking help early if needed can be so important for the mental health of their children,” says Karen.

You can learn about our counselling services here, or call 1300 364 277 to book an appointment in person, over the phone, or via Zoom video.

Read about the most common types of anxiety in this blog post.

How to Protect Your Emotional Wellbeing in the Coronavirus Outbreak

How to Protect Your Emotional Wellbeing During Coronavirus - Cartoon man stretching outdoors

Are you feeling a little uneasy or downright distressed about the coronavirus?

It’s understandable for Australians to be experiencing concern and anxiety – especially with the overwhelming amount of negative news and speculation in the media.

You might be fearful for your health or that of your friends and family. Perhaps you’re confused by conflicting information online. Or maybe you’re just wondering where you’ll get your next pack of toilet paper.

Many of us are taking extra precautions to protect our physical health. But as we sneeze into our elbows and slather our hands in sanitiser, what are we doing to protect our mental and emotional health and wellbeing?

We chatted to Clinical Supervisor Kylie Turner for some advice on how we can look after our mental health and avoid social isolation in a time of ‘social distancing’.

“With the arrival of COVID-19, life feels particularly uncertain for many people as the theme of the unknown is strongly present in our day-to-day lives,” Kylie says. “When things go as planned, we feel in control. But when life throws a curveball, it can leave us feeling anxious and stressed.”

We hope these tips help you and your loved ones protect your emotional wellbeing during the current public health situation.


Avoid Loneliness while Avoiding Isolation - Cartoon people on social media

You’ve probably heard health experts urging people to practise voluntary ‘social distancing’ to prevent – or at least slow down – the spread of the coronavirus. Big-crowd events like music festivals and sports events have been cancelled. Companies have advised their staff to work from home. Universities are delivering classes online. Gyms and pools have closed.

These precautionary measures are part of the plan to “flatten the curve” and keep the number of confirmed cases at a manageable level for the health care system. And while these protective actions will help mitigate infection, this social distancing can have negative side effects on our mental and emotional health and wellbeing.

Research shows loneliness is as bad for us as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. It’s a major risk factor for mental health issues such as depression and anxiety.

“It is a basic human need to feel and stay connected with others, whether they be family, friends or colleagues,” Kylie says.

“When experiencing so many unknowns, it is even more important to keep those connections flowing. Connecting with others who are experiencing the same as us can often help to normalise our thoughts and feelings in what is a rather abnormal situation.”

So how do we avoid social isolation during social distancing? Here are a few ways to stay connected during the coronavirus outbreak:

Check in with a Text

It’s quick, it’s easy, and it’s a great way to remind your loved ones that you’re thinking of them. Whether you’re having a lengthy conversation or simply sending an adorable dog meme, texting is one of the most convenient ways to keep in touch.

Pick up the Phone

Call us old fashioned, but spoken conversation can provide a comfort and intimacy that text-based communication can lack. It’s nice to hear your loved one’s laughter as opposed to reading a “lol”.

Get Used to Video Calls

Video calls aren’t just for business meetings, you know. From Skype and Zoom to FaceTime and Facebook Video Chat, there are endless platforms facilitating video calls in this modern day.

Create Group Chats

Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, HipChat, Google Hangouts, and other messaging apps allow you to keep conversations organised by groups. You can create separate real-time group chats for your friends, family, colleagues and more.

Join Online Groups

As the number of people in self-isolation increases, so too does the number of online communities for Australians to come together and share their experiences. Beyond Blue has a dedicated forum for coping during the coronavirus outbreak, providing a safe space for people to share their concerns and stay connected.

Write a Letter

Who doesn’t love receiving mail? Whip out the pen and paper and surprise a loved one with a handwritten letter. Better yet, post it along with a roll of toilet paper. Not all heroes wear capes.

Compete from Afar with Apps

There’s nothing like a little friendly competition to pass the time in self-isolation. Here are some fun (and free!) games you can play with friends while apart:

  • Draw Something – Hone your inner artist with this drawing and guessing game where you pick a word to draw for your friends, and vice versa.
  • Words with Friends – Like scrabble, but on your electronic device.
  • QuizUp – Challenge existing friends or connect and compete with new people who share your interests. This trivia game allows you to choose from hundreds of niche topics (e.g. anime, Disney Movies, Greek Mythology, ‘80s rock), so it has something for the nerd in all of us.

“Many people withdraw when they’re stressed or worried,” says Kylie. “But social support is important, so reach out to family and friends via the safest mediums for now.”


Take Care of Your Body and Mind - Cartoon woman meditating outdoors

No, we’re not just talking about overzealous hand washing. On top of following good hygiene practices to reduce your risk of infection, it’s important to focus on the lifestyle factors that can impact your mental health, too.

“Don’t let stress around unknowns derail your healthy routines,” Kylie advises. “Make efforts to eat well, exercise and get enough sleep.”

She also recommends engaging in self-care, stating that many people find stress release in practices like yoga, meditation, and walking outside.

Many studies have shown that spending time in nature can relieve stress and anxiety. So if you’re cooped up in self-isolation, try to find a few moments to get outside in the fresh air.

“Treat self-isolation as an opportunity to do activities that help you relax,” says Kylie.


Take Breaks from the Media - Cartoon people with laptop and megaphone in media concept

Keeping up to date can help you feel more in control in these times of uncertainty. But with so much information readily available at our fingertips, it can be easy to fall down the rabbit hole of fake news that ultimately fuels our feelings of fear.

“When we’re stressed about something, it can be hard to look away,” Kylie explains. “But compulsively checking the news may contribute to further stress and keep the theme of unknowns alive.”

Avoiding overexposure to negative news is key to finding a healthy balance between staying informed and being overwhelmed.

And if you come across alarmist misinformation that drives panic, don’t add to the problem by sharing it with friends and family. A 2018 study found information regarding potential threats becomes increasingly negative and inaccurate when passed from person to person on social media, unnecessarily amplifying feelings of dread.  

 “Try to limit your check-ins and avoid the news during vulnerable times of day, such as right before bedtime,” Kylie advises.


Stay Informed with Accurate Information - Cartoon woman researching on laptop with lightbulb above head

Speculation and misinformation can be harmful to your mental and emotional wellbeing. If you’re being bombarded by sources that spread more fear than facts, we recommend staying updated with credible, reputable sources like these:

“Understanding COVID-19 may help to reduce anxiety,” Kylie says. “Learn more about COVID-19 and safely talk with others.”


Control What You Can - Cartoon man on laptop with books and clock in background

 “When uncertainty strikes, many people immediately imagine worst-case scenarios,” Kylie explains. “Remember to be gentle with yourself instead of ruminating on negative events.”

Try not to dwell on the things you can’t control and focus on the things you can – like your day-to-day activities.

“Recent times have highlighted that most people are creatures of habit,” Kylie says. “Establish routines to give your days and weeks some comforting structure.”

If social distancing is preventing you from enjoying your usual routine, get creative and find alternative ways to fill your days. If you used to start the day with a coffee from your favourite café, learn how to make a killer brew yourself. If you’d normally end the day with an exercise class at the local gym, find a workout to do at home instead (hello, lounge room aerobics).

Learn to love your new ‘normal’ – and remember it’s only temporary.


Be Smart, Be Safe, Be Kind - Cartoon family taking shelter under hands

The coronavirus may be overwhelming, but it’s important to be scared without being scary.

Research shows novel threats like Ebola or avian flu raise anxiety levels higher than more familiar threats do. This panic can be contagious and counterproductive, making it more difficult to manage tough times effectively.

Do your best to approach the situation with empathy and check in with friends, family, and neighbours to see how they’re doing.

With kindness and support, we can be the calm in the storm.

“With all the unknowns, many people feel overwhelmed and disconnected,” Kylie says. “Remember those around you are in this chaos with you.”


Protect Yourself Online - Cartoon woman using laptop

While the internet and social networks are a part of everyday life for many, we understand that this technology can put some people’s safety at risk.

If you live with or are currently experiencing family and domestic violence, ongoing safety requires vigilance in protecting yourself in your online presence.

Here are a few ways you can stay safe in a time where online connectedness is so strongly encouraged:

  • Place a passcode on your device/s
  • Update passwords on all accounts
  • Ensure your accounts are set to ‘private’
  • Be cautious when accepting new friend requests
  • Turn off GPS and/or location settings on your device/s.

For more digital safety information, refer to this helpful advice from the Women’s Legal Service QLD.


Get Support - Cartoon people putting puzzle pieces together in community concept

If you’re struggling to cope on your own, reach out for help.

Relationships Australia Queensland provides confidential counselling and support services to help you manage your stress and anxiety.

Be assured our staff and clients’ physical and emotional health is our top priority, and we’re taking all precautions in every venue to maintain a safe environment for everyone.

If you’d feel more comfortable receiving professional help from a distance, you can access our telephone counselling on 1300 364 277.

Finally, Kylie encourages us to remember how we’ve managed adversity before.

“Chances are you’ve overcome stressful events in the past,” she says. “Give yourself credit for how you coped with previous unknowns. Reflect on what you did during that event that was helpful, and what you might like to do differently this time.”


Infographic with tips to stay emotionally well during coronavirus

Tips for Social Anxiety

For some people, meeting up with mates brings excitement and an energy boost. For others, it can trigger sweating, shaking, nausea, a pounding heart, and excess worry that they’ll do or say the wrong thing.

These are all common symptoms of social anxiety.

Anyone can experience social anxiety – whether you’re a shy introvert or an outgoing extrovert. Research shows almost 11% of Aussies experience social phobia at some point in their lives. So if it’s something you live with, just know you’re not alone.

We hope our advice for social anxiety helps if you’ve been diagnosed with the condition or simply struggle in social settings from time to time.


Stop catastrophising in its tracks

It’s easy to get swept up in the worrying and ‘what ifs’ that social anxiety can brew in our brains. But treating these negative thoughts as facts can have us spiralling down a dark rabbit hole before any of them have even happened!

Fact: 85% of what we worry about NEVER happens. So next time a social invitation has you imagining all the bad things that could go wrong, take a deep breath and remind yourself that these are just bad thoughts. Unless you’re psychic, there’s a very low chance these scary scenarios are a realistic glimpse into the future.


Remind yourself of positive social interactions

Remember all those times you caught up with friends, presented in front of a group, or made an important phone call and everything went just fine?

We tend to focus on the negatives and forget all the successful social interactions we’ve had over the years. If you’re nervous or anxious before a social event, try to think of a few recent cases where you had a positive experience.


Start small with exposure

Interacting in a big group can be overwhelming. If you’re prone to social anxiety, try to ease yourself into socialising with one-on-one catch ups or smaller gatherings instead.

This kind of controlled exposure to social situations can help take away some of the fear and prepare you for larger events in the future, while avoiding social situations altogether can make these social interactions seem even more intimidating.


Avoid relying on drugs/alcohol to cope

There’s nothing wrong with having a drink or two if it helps you relax and feel more comfortable talking to people. In fact, the confidence boost gained from alcohol is commonly called ‘Dutch courage’. But relying on alcohol and drugs to get through social interactions can become problematic if it’s done irresponsibly or develops into an unhealthy dependence or addiction.

The misuse of substances can be damaging for you and the people around you. Becoming intoxicated at a party or social event can also cause what’s called ‘hangxiety’. Ever woken up after a night of drinking and feel anxious and panicked about what you might have said and done? That’s hangxiety – and it can make your social anxiety worse. So always drink responsibly.


Write down a script before phone calls

Can’t hear yourself think over the sound of your heart pounding? If making a phone call triggers your anxiety, it might be worth writing a script to get you through it.

Whether you make a general list of the topics you need to cover or write a word-for-word script, this is an easy way to avoid awkward pauses and/or mind blanks during those personal and professional calls.


Carry conversation starters

If your mind goes blank in social situations, this could be thanks to social anxiety’s close friend, brain fog. Brain fog messes with our thought process and makes it hard for us to remember things, which can lead to awkward silences at parties and gatherings.

A great way to combat uncomfortable silences is to be prepared with conversation starters before meeting with people, either on palm cards or in your phone notes.

These might include:

  • How did the COVID lockdown/s impact you?
  • What have you been watching and/or reading lately?
  • What are you excited about at the moment?

You might also like to list some reminders about their lives, such as the name of their partner, what they do for work and other details. This might seem simple, but it could save you wondering whether their partner’s name is Tim or Tom when the brain fog kicks in!

If you’re struggling with social anxiety and need some extra support, talking to a counsellor can help. Our counsellors provide a safe and supportive environment to talk about your concerns and explore solutions. You can call 1300 364 277 to book an appointment, or learn more about counselling here.

Discover some of the main types of anxiety in this article.