Get Relationship Ready (2nd of August- 6th of September)

Spring Hill
Tuesday, August 2, 2016 - 18:00 to Tuesday, September 6, 2016 - 20:30
$110 per person per course. The fee is negotiable, please talk to the course facilitator.

This interactive course is for people who want to work on their relationship skills. It is designed to help people to learn ways to build and maintain healthy, safe and satisfactory relationships. It is  generally held 18.00- 20.30 on a week night, over 6 weeks. They are run regularly throughout the year, and must be booked in advance, including a 15 minute phone conversation with the course facilitator prior to acceptance – it is not possible to show up on the day without prior arrangement.

We recommend that you attend all six sessions, but if that is not possible, please discuss with the course facilitator. 

Please check below for upcoming dates.

Course Program

• Beliefs and expectations regarding intimate relationpships

• Keeping a sense of self while being close to another person

• Communication skills and managing disagreements

• Self-care and emotional regulation

• Values and hopes regarding intimate relationships

• Facets of intimacy

• Safety when dating online and face to face


People over 18 years (maximum of 12 people).

Course Schedule

(Spring Hill) 2nd of August to 6th of September

(Spring Hill) 18th of October to 22nd of November


The course runs over 6 weeks on Tuesday evenings 18:00-20:30.


self-esteem    assertiveness   communication   anger   boundaries  safety  intimacy

Contact details: 
<p>1300 364 277</p>