19 April, 2023

Relationships Australia Qld (RAQ) has self-reported an historical error relating to pay rate adjustments of some employee entitlements dating back to late 2014 to the Fair Work Ombudsman. 

Approximately 1,250 current and former employees may be impacted with the total related financial obligation not yet known.  

All impacted employees, past and present, will be paid their entitlements in full, with interest.   

RAQ Chief Executive Officer Natasha Rae apologised for the error and assured that the services RAQ provides to clients and vulnerable communities would not be impacted.   

“On behalf of the organisation, I am deeply sorry about this payment error and we are taking action to rectify this issue as a matter of priority.” Ms Rae said.  

“During negotiations of the 2019 Enterprise Agreement, we became aware of the inconsistent application and calculation of certain employee entitlements against the industrial instruments of the Equal Remuneration Order and the SCHADS - Social Community Homecare and Disability Services Industry – Award.” she said.  

“Since becoming aware of the payroll error, we engaged independent external expertise to conduct a comprehensive review to provide a clear picture of the issue and to confirm our plan to fix the errors is correct. 

“As part of this rectification process RAQ has self-reported this matter to the Office of the Fair Work Ombudsman who are responsible for ensuring organisations meet the obligations of under the Fair Work Act.” 

“Our top priority is making payments to those employees who have been affected. In the next four weeks, all current employees will receive an email letting them know whether they are eligible for an initial payment. If a payment is due, it will be made via our usual payroll system. Employees don’t need to do anything further.” 

“Beginning in early May, we will be working to notify the approximately 900 past employees who are affected by this issue. Former employees will receive any pay adjustments in full and with interest and superannuation. If a payment is owing to them, they will be notified via their last known email address and will be required to validate their identity via a secure online portal called Claims View. We encourage former employees to visit Claims View to see if they are eligible www.RAQAdjustments.deloitte.com.au” Ms Rae said.

RAQ Board Chairman Bill Owens expressed the board’s genuine apology and commitment to remedy the issue.

“RAQ remains in a financially and operationally strong position for the future.” Mr Owens said.


Media Contact:  
Rebecca Williams
Phillips Group
Ph: 0433 220 515
[email protected]