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Blog Post | 14 June, 2022
Whether it’s booking an Uber, emailing a friend, or paying bills online, technology can make our lives a whole lot easier. But some of our older loved ones are still struggling to keep up with the digital world. Studies show the number of older Australians who owned a smartphone increased in 2021. The COVID era was a catalyst for seniors to get online with the introduction of QR codes to check into venues, and lockdowns forcing us to stay connected via... Read more
Blog Post | 07 June, 2022
The internet helps us stay connected and streamlines our daily lives – especially at work. This was particularly true during COVID. With many workers clocking in from home during lockdowns, we were relying on the internet more than ever to communicate and carry out our daily tasks. And this is still the case for those who continue to work remotely. But as important as getting online is in this modern, post-pandemic world, research shows 11% of Australians are considered highly excluded from... Read more
Blog Post | 06 April, 2020
We know parenting comes with its highs and lows, but no one could’ve predicted this. For many, challenges caused by COVID-19 are adding to the stress of already difficult family circumstances. School closures, travel bans, and social distancing might interfere with your normal co-parenting arrangements, and navigating these changes can cause anxiety for you and your child. We hope these co-parenting tips make it easier to get through this difficult time.   Keep Your Child Informed While you may want to protect your child from negative news, talking to them about what’s going on can... Read more
Blog Post | 01 December, 2021
COVID has caused stress and burnout for a lot of parents. Lockdowns and home-schooling had us scrambling to keep our kids safe and entertained while we tried to hold onto our own sanity. And even as restrictions ease and vaccine rates rise, the domino effects of COVID are still taking a toll on parents. Raising kids is tough enough without the added challenges of the pandemic. You might be weighed down by uncertainty about the future. Maybe you have a newfound anxiety around your children’s health and hygiene. Or perhaps, like many, you’re simply exhausted by the increased time spent... Read more
Blog Post | 05 March, 2021
For some people, meeting up with mates brings excitement and an energy boost. For others, it can trigger sweating, shaking, nausea, a pounding heart, and excess worry that they’ll do or say the wrong thing. These are all common symptoms of social anxiety. Anyone can experience social anxiety – whether you’re a shy introvert or an outgoing extrovert. Research shows almost 11% of Aussies experience social phobia at some point in their lives. So if it’s something you live... Read more
Blog Post | 20 September, 2022
Solitude can be relaxing and restorative, but prolonged social isolation can cause our mental and physical health to suffer. Research has proven loneliness is just as bad for us as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. And unfortunately, loneliness is on the rise in Australia. Many circumstances can cause people to become isolated or to choose to isolate themselves from others. We explore some of the factors and situations that may lead to social isolation here.   Mental... Read more
Blog Post | 17 November, 2022
Are you feeling disconnected from your friends and family? Maybe you feel misunderstood or like no one “gets” you. Or perhaps you feel emotionally “empty” and don’t have the bandwidth to engage with people as you normally would. We explore some of the potential causes of disconnection and signs of social withdrawal, and offer advice to nurture fulfilling connections here.   Potential causes of feeling disconnected It’s normal to feel less close to your loved ones from time to time. This may not necessarily be due to a disagreement or falling out. How connected you feel to others can be... Read more
Blog Post | 15 September, 2021
COVID has our travel plans on pause, and some of us are putting off taking annual leave until we can get on a plane again. But it could be more important than ever for our mental health to take time off right now. Downtime is crucial for our mental and physical wellbeing, as well as a healthy work-life balance. And you don’t need to have big travel plans to enjoy the benefits of a holiday. We discuss why it’s important to still take a holiday during COVID – even if you can’t go anywhere.   We All Need a Mental Health Break During COVID COVID has disrupted all our lives in one way or... Read more
Blog Post | 23 April, 2020
With so many pages, people and posts out there providing information around COVID-19, it can be hard to distinguish fact from fake. Some sources simply aren’t up to date with the latest info, and others intentionally set out to misinform their readers. Understanding the coronavirus outbreak may help remove some of the anxiety surrounding it. But being bombarded with conflicting information can negatively impact your mental – and physical – wellbeing. We’ve compiled a few reliable sources so you can stay informed and stay safe.   Official Pages for Health and Legislative Updates... Read more
