What is the Specialised Family Violence Service (SFVS)?

A range of services to support individuals, children and families who are impacted by family and domestic violence.  

What is Involved?

The Specialised Family Violence Service aims to help reduce family violence and provide support to individuals, children and families who are impacted by family and domestic violence.  

SFVS provides culturally informed specialist support including counselling, therapeutic case management, behaviour change programs, information and advice, referrals, advocacy, cultural and healing programs, individual and group educations, and outreach.  

SFVS takes an integrated and holistic approach that priorities working with First Nations Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families.  

Your process will start with an intake session where your practitioner will work with you to understand your situation, and you and your family’s needs and goals. The practitioner will then be able to determine what services and programs are best suited for you and your family.  

Who is Specialised Family Violence Service for?

SFVS is for children, individuals and families experiencing family and domestic violence, particularly First Nations People.

The Benefits of Specialised Family Violence Service
  • Improved personal and family safety 
  • Engagement with relevant support services and culturally relevant wrap-around services 
  • Improved knowledge about DV and healthy relationships  
  • Provides access to information 
  • Supports improved skills and behaviours 
  • Supports attitude and belief changes about violence 
  • Helps improve family functioning  