27 April, 2021
Are your conversations with your friend a little one-sided? Do they talk about their lives and problems without showing any interest in yours? Relationships are all about give and take. It’s normal... Read more
23 April, 2021
Sexual abuse is most commonly committed by someone a survivor knows, including an intimate partner. There are many terms to describe sexual abuse in a relationship, including intimate partner sexual... Read more
23 April, 2021
Not all domestic abuse is physical, and some types of abuse can be hard to recognise. In fact, some people can live in an abusive relationship for years and not realise they’re experiencing abuse.... Read more
20 April, 2021
Do you spend more time worrying about the past and future than you do enjoying the present? Many of us do. The ‘should haves’ of yesterday and ‘what ifs’ of tomorrow can make it hard to live in the... Read more
19 April, 2021
Domestic and family abuse is often described as something that happens in a pattern or cycle. The domestic violence cycle of abuse proposed by psychologist Lenore Walker in the 1970s is still... Read more
