20 April, 2020
While those of us who are able to do our jobs from home right now are extremely lucky, this doesn’t mean that working from home doesn’t have its challenges. Working from home can be great – until... Read more
17 April, 2020
Sharing might be caring, but sharing a space with another person 24/7 can put a strain on even the strongest of partnerships. Let’s acknowledge right now that anyone who still has a job, and can... Read more
15 April, 2020
Many of us are turning to technology to connect with our loved ones during the coronavirus outbreak. Tools like video chat, instant messaging, and online gaming make it easier than ever to keep in... Read more
09 April, 2020
Cancelled holidays. Delayed weddings. Limited funeral gatherings. These are all big events and with their postponement or cancellation come big feelings. But these ‘big things’ aren’t the only... Read more
07 April, 2020
The coronavirus is worrisome for everyone, but it’s especially dangerous for older adults. People aged 65 years and older with existing chronic medical conditions, and people aged 70 years and... Read more
