27 October, 2015
There are many answers and reactions to this question. Your first instinct is probably to say, "They aren't worth it. I am worth more than that. How can I ever trust them again?", and you would be... Read more
27 October, 2015
By Carolyn McBean, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner Why do reasonable, kind hearted and educated people sometimes behave completely out of character and irrationally when in dispute?... Read more
27 October, 2015
Have you found yourself lost in your thoughts about the future, thinking about what you need to do the next hour or the next day? Maybe you started to feel anxious or overwhelmed about all those... Read more
27 October, 2015
The question often asked by counsellors is "So what was your childhood like?”, “How did you get on with your mother, father, siblings?" … Have you ever wondered why we ask these questions? People... Read more
23 October, 2015
2014-15 has been an important year on the calendar for the efforts to put an end to domestic and family violence in Queensland.  The Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence delivered... Read more
