12 August, 2014
Most of us have been in the midst of very strong, overwhelming feelings, which seem to shake us, which make us feel like we are on a roller coaster ride. Sometimes these experiences can be so... Read more
28 July, 2014
Every relationship goes through certain stages and cycles, each one different to the next. To be aware of these stages in our relationships can be very rewarding and it also demystifies the idea... Read more
07 July, 2014
Recently, I have found myself thinking a lot about the best, and the worst, custody arrangements for very young children. When I say very young children, I am thinking about infants (aged newborn to... Read more
20 June, 2014
Divorce hurts. Divorce can hurt in many ways - children, families, society. But in writing those two words, divorce hurts, I am not thinking about broad concerns. I am thinking about the pain of... Read more
02 June, 2014
I am a big advocate for joint physical custody. If at all possible, I want children to spend a lot of time - and have good relationships - with both of their parents after a separation or divorce.... Read more
