Blog Post | 22 May, 2020
With everything that's going on at the moment, we want you to know help is still available when you need it. Online counselling is a great way to get professional support from the comfort of your home. It could be the perfect option if: You’re following social distancing guidelines You live in a remote area You live with mobility restrictions You don’t have time to get to an in-person appointment You don’t like to leave your home. We understand you might be hesitant to access online counselling if you’ve never tried it before. So we wanted to share one of the many positive... Read more
Blog Post | 05 June, 2023
To celebrate Pride, we’ve created a timeline of some of the most notable rights won by LGBTQIA+ communities in Australia over the years. As we celebrate the milestones we’ve achieved, we remember how far we have to go as we continue to advocate for equal human rights.  
Blog Post | 27 April, 2022
Relationships Australia Queensland CEO Ian Law shares a message ahead of Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month 2022.   Each May, Queensland acknowledges Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month (DFVP Month). DFVP Month raises awareness of domestic and family violence (DFV) and sends a clear message that DFV in families and homes will not be tolerated. Data from the Queensland Government shows Queensland has experienced a 17% increase in domestic violence offences since the COVID-19 pandemic. Men’s violence against women continues to be an issue in Queensland and all... Read more
Blog Post | 04 December, 2012
Couples often express the same issue; they have difficulty in communicating. Communication is an important factor in every relationship and is necessary in creating solid foundations for a healthy and respectful couple relationship.  Good communication consists of three essential skills Listening to what the other person is saying, Expressing how you feel and what you think, and Accepting the other person’s opinions and feelings, even when they are different from your own. World renowned psychologist Dr John Gottman has found through his research into couples, that there are four... Read more
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
As a member of the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander community, you are encouraged to contact Relationships Australia and visit our local services. We work with our clients and partner organisations to offer a quality service in a culturally sensitive and respectful manner. We respect that everyone is unique and are guided by your experience to help us to  provide the support you or your family need to achieve your vision for wellbeing. Over the past few years we have consulted extensively throughout Queensland’s  diverse Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and... Read more
Basic page | 03 June, 2015
At Relationships Australia (Qld) we believe healthy relationships are essential for the wellbeing of children, families and communities. There are times in life when we all need help. We are committed to offering the best possible counselling, mediation, education and support services in a professional, relaxed and confidential environment. We are committed to social justice and inclusion. We have no religious affiliations and respect the rights of everyone to live with dignity and safety and to enjoy healthy relationships. Over 400 highly qualified and experienced staff make up the heart and... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Intimacy doesn't happen by magic. You must work to build it up over time. Some couples find it difficult to achieve intimacy in their relationship. Others can find that, after achieving intimacy, it seems to slip away. There are many reasons for such difficulties, and each couple's story is unique. There are, however, some common themes. Lack of communication This is a common problem. One partner or sometimes both simply don't know how to put into words what they feel. They may have grown up in a family where personal feelings were never talked about, and so they lack the confidence to be... Read more
Blog Post | 20 May, 2021
According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 1 in 7 families (14.2%) in Australia are one-parent families. Raising a child is one of the most difficult and rewarding things a person can do – and raising a child as a single parent can bring its own unique challenges. Without the support of a partner, single parents generally have a lot more to take... Read more
Blog Post | 02 November, 2015
So here we are… the festive season is here. The stores have decorations and displays, Christmas parties are happening, festive movies on telly, and lights are going up on peoples houses and in the streets. It is really is a time of getting together and having a jolly time; but what if you are not in a position to spend it with the one(s) you would rather be with? Though you may be ‘alone’ this year, you can do something to help yourself focus on making yourself “merry” during the holidays. If you are lonely, show up where people are. Invite close friends to be with you. Ask a friend to... Read more
Blog Post | 29 January, 2024
Some dependence is healthy in a relationship, where both people can rely on each other when they need support.  But what happens when you rely on each other too much? This can lead to codependence.  A codependent relationship is an unhealthy dynamic where one partner needs the other partner, who in turn, needs to be needed.  Both people can get “lost” in the relationship, abandoning their individual sense of identity and neglecting other relationships and goals.  We explore what codependency can look like in relationships and how to change unhealthy patterns for a happier... Read more
