Individual Course | 17 May, 2021
This six week course is designed for couples who want to: Improve, enrich or re-establish their relationship; where there is commitment, friendship and healthy trust; Improve their confidence in managing differences and conflict more constructively; Create a positive long-term view of their future together This course is run by two experienced facilitators who create a safe, supportive and interactive learning environment. It is held between 5:30PM to 7:30PM on a Monday night, over 6 weeks. They must be booked in advance, including an individual intake appointment... Read more
Location | 05 June, 2015
Public Transport Buses:                    Yes Trains:                    NA Ferries:                  NA   Access and Parking Directions Our venue is located between Bourbong street and Woongarra Street. It is opposite Target car park and close to Centrelink. There is 2 hour parking on the street outside and all day... Read more
Location | 06 June, 2024
Public Transport Buses:                    Yes Trains:                    NA Ferries:                  NA   Access and Parking Directions Our venue is located between Bourbong street and Woongarra Street. It is opposite Target car park and close to Centrelink. There is 2 hour parking on the street outside and all day... Read more
Blog Post | 08 March, 2012
Keeping the home fires burning when from dawn to dusk all hands are on deck trying to keep the family business going can be difficult. Romance and quality time with your partner and family can be pushed down the priority list when the cattle need to be shifted to a new pasture, the cows need milking, the chickens need feeding and the crop needs harvesting – whew! Romance isn’t just about champagne, flowers, expensive dinners and weekends away – it is about the time and effort someone puts in to thinking of their partner and expressing their feelings about that person. Here are a few tips from... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Of course you do.  This is completely natural and very understandable.  There is something in this person that attracted you to them in the first place.  Whether it was their smile, their protective nature, their way with kids or their natural ability on a trampoline, there are always reasons to fall and stay in love.  The question is how that person is demonstrating their love toward you.  If it is through the use of power and control, that person needs to take major steps to change their behaviours as they are not demonstrating love, or at least a healthy version of... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Children are affected by domestic violence, even if they are not present during an incident.  They may hear the violence from their rooms, or see the aftermath such as bruises, broken possessions and moved furniture.  Children also pick up on emotional abuse.  They become confused and unsettled and the parents cycle through the abuse cycle, sending incompatible and inconsistent messages of love to the child.  The child becomes increasingly distressed as their parents oscillate between loving and kind, to stressed and highly anxious, to demanding and unstable and so on.... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
It is quite a contradiction to believe a person can be a bad partner but a good parent.  Occasionally being loving and kind to a child and ensuring their material needs are met is the easy part of parenting.  However, role modelling, providing an emotionally and physically safe environment and teaching them about respect for others is equally important.  A child who sees an unhealthy relationship between their parents will not learn the value of a healthy relationship.  Nor will they know how to have one.  Consider if this is what you want for your child’s future and... Read more
Location | 02 May, 2024
Public Transport Buses: The Central Bus Station is two blocks away from the venue. Trains: Cairns Central Station is two blocks away from the venue. Ferries: NA Access and Parking Directions Parking for this venue is located in the street directly outside of the venue. Clients need to be aware that street parking incurs a cost for meters.
Location | 05 June, 2015
To contact this FRC directly, please call (07) 4041 6063. (Please note that this is a direct line for FRC Cairns appointments. The FRC staff are unable to transfer you back to the RAQ 1300 number.) Public Transport Buses: The Central Bus Station is two blocks away from the venue. Trains: Cairns Central Station is two blocks away from the venue. Ferries: NA Access and Parking Directions Parking for this venue is located in the street directly outside of the venue. Clients need to be aware that street parking incurs a cost for meters.
Blog Post | 08 October, 2020
Infidelity can cause extreme emotional pain and heartbreak – but does it automatically mean the end of your marriage or relationship? Short answer: It’s different for everyone. Some couples may find it impossible to reconcile after an affair, with the pain of betrayal too strong for the relationship to progress. Others might work on their issues, rebuild trust, and become stronger than ever before. Affairs don’t just happen in unhappy marriages or relationships. They can happen in couples that are otherwise happy and healthy. And if both parties are committed, the relationship can be saved... Read more
