Basic page | 15 July, 2020
Before attending your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. Client Agreement & Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Location | 02 May, 2024
Public Transport Buses: Yes Trains: Yes Ferries NA Access and Parking Directions Directions From the north, follow Gympie Road past Pine Rivers State High School . The Hub - 481 Gympie Road is in the next block on your left. From the south, follow Gympie Road past Westfield Shopping Centre and turn right in Bells Pocket Road.  The carpark is located on your left in the same location as the Transport Department.  Train The closest train station is Bray Park Station.  Walk south down Railway Ave to Samsonvale Road, and then east along Samsonvale Road to Gympie Road,... Read more
Blog Post | 14 July, 2022
Everyone feels stressed and anxious from time to time. Stress and anxiety are both part of the body’s “fight or flight” response, and normal reactions to worrying or threatening situations. They can even be helpful motivators to do things you don’t want to do, like finish that assignment or work presentation on time. Stress and anxiety share many symptoms, and this can make it hard to tell whether you’re simply stressed out or suffering from anxiety. When left unmanaged, an anxiety disorder can impact your everyday life and your mental and physical health. This blog post is intended to help... Read more
Blog Post | 19 June, 2020
Has the coronavirus outbreak impacted your mood? How about your physical health, or how often you drink alcohol? New research has found that self-isolation and restrictions related to COVID-19 have changed a lot for Australians’ lives. Many of us have experienced feelings of anxiety and loneliness since the outbreak. Some have enjoyed the slower pace of life. And some want to continue social distancing when this is all over. The coronavirus has impacted us all in one way or another... Read more
Blog Post | 29 July, 2020
We don’t need a study to tell us the coronavirus has turned our world upside-down. The COVID-19 outbreak and related social distancing measures have brought significant changes to the way we work, live, and socialise. Many of us have felt anxious and lonely as a result. Some of us have experienced feelings of depression and low mood. But how have our relationships been impacted by the coronavirus restrictions? New... Read more
Blog Post | 12 June, 2020
The impacts of COVID-19 have been felt all around the world, and social distancing measures have changed every aspect of our lives. Who would’ve thought a trip to the supermarket would become our most anticipated weekly adventure? For many, the coronavirus has disrupted the way we work. Some of us have enjoyed these changes. Others have struggled. New research collected through the Relationships Australia monthly survey has revealed just how... Read more
Blog Post | 25 November, 2020
It’s no secret that 2020 has been a difficult year for many of us. The COVID-19 outbreak and related stressors (e.g. social isolation and financial instability) have exacerbated pre-existing anxiety disorders and other mental health disorders. Our mental health influences how we think, feel, and act every day. It can have a big impact on how we interact with the people in our lives – especially those closest to us. New... Read more
Blog Post | 09 February, 2023
Controlling behaviour can range from directly telling someone what they can and can’t do, to more subtle methods, such as giving you the silent treatment if they don’t get their own way. Controlling behaviours may even be disguised as ‘caring’. For example, your partner might demand to know where you are and who you’re with at all times and say it’s just because they care about you. This is an example of coercive control, which is a form of abuse that has become illegal in some states in Australia,... Read more
Blog Post | 15 December, 2020
Support is available for those affected by domestic and family violence. Domestic and family violence is a complex and pervasive issue. It is never acceptable. Everyone deserves to feel safe in public and at home. It is important to understand that the signs are not always obvious. Domestic and family violence is not always physical and can take many forms, including emotional, sexual, financial, social, spiritual, verbal, psychological or technology-based abuse. You can find more information about domestic and family violence and different forms of abuse online at... Read more
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
