Basic page | 15 July, 2020
Before attending your telephone session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. Client Agreement & Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Basic page | 27 February, 2017
Steps in the process (click here for collaboration flowchart) Fill out the Preliminary Research Proposal form. Submit form to [email protected], our RAWG Secretary.  Wait for the Research Advisory Working Group (RAWG) to review your submission. We... Read more
Blog Post | 21 March, 2011
For many gay couples, the thought of having children together is both joyful and daunting, not only for the sheer challenges and richness of raising a family, but the significant obstacles both legal and operational, to making this happen.  Perhaps one of the biggest challenges facing same-sex couples is societal prejudice which culminates in lack of services, support and suitable legislation. Whereas heterosexual couples can conceive a child without any need for legal intervention, the road for the same sex couple or single must revolve to a large extent around the law and what is and... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Regardless of the espoused sacred nature of a marriage / relationship, where there is abuse there is no relationship.  The dynamics are so dramatically skewed it is not an equal partnership.  Nor is it a healthy one.  Although others often mean well when sharing their thoughts on lives other than their own, only those living in a situation can truly understand that situation.  It is perfectly okay to leave a domestically violent relationship.  It is perfectly okay to prioritise your safety and/or that of the children and it is perfectly okay to seek help in... Read more
Blog Post | 15 September, 2023
Navigating any new romantic relationship can be an exciting yet delicate dance. But dating someone who is attracted to multiple genders can raise some unique questions or insecurities – particularly for people who aren’t part of the LGBTQIA+ communities themselves. This Bisexual Awareness Week (16-23 September), we’d like to offer some advice for dating someone who identifies as bisexual to help you nurture a healthy and respectful relationship. Here are some important dos and don’ts of dating a bisexual or pansexual.   Do: Take time to learn about the community Make an effort to learn... Read more
Blog Post | 30 November, 2011
Well, I've had three days of transition and re-entry into 'normal life' and time to reflect on the amazing odyssey that was Project Yellow. The final day was a wonderful experience, with RAQ CEO, Shane Klintworth coming out and running a final 45km marathon with Alida and me (it actually turned out to be about 47km! - sorry Shane!!). Heaps of enthusiastic Roma locals ventured out to Roma State College on Saturday morning to watch us run in and to join us in the final two kilometres, taking part in all the fun events laid on too. Congratulations to the two girls who put so much effort into... Read more
Blog Post | 07 February, 2011
Valentine's Day is much-celebrated in Australia and its popularity is increasing by the year. Valentine's Day is an opportunity to strengthen bonds of love with partners, family, friends or those we secretly admire. This Valentine’s Day, as well as offering flowers and chocolates, we can bring other gifts to our relationship that continue to be appreciated throughout the year. Dr Gary Chapman writes about the five love languages as a way for us to connect with our partners and create long-lasting, happy, stable relationships. The love languages are: Gifts - loving through giving and... Read more
Blog Post | 07 June, 2022
The internet helps us stay connected and streamlines our daily lives – especially at work. This was particularly true during COVID. With many workers clocking in from home during lockdowns, we were relying on the internet more than ever to communicate and carry out our daily tasks. And this is still the case for those who continue to work remotely. But as important as getting online is in this modern, post-pandemic world, research shows 11% of Australians are considered highly excluded from... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Babies and very young children do not need to understand to respond emotionally and physically to domestic violence.  For example, the heart rate of very young children increases in response to the sound of an adult screaming or crying.  Regardless of whether children witness domestic violence, they are affected.  They pick up on the mood of their parents, and they ‘tune in’ to the atmosphere.  Furthermore, a parents’ capacity to develop a healthy attachment to the baby through shared positive experiences is dramatically reduced when that parent is constantly on edge,... Read more
Blog Post | 13 May, 2011
Couples often express difficulty in communicating. Communication is a key component in creating solid foundations for a healthy relationship.  Good communication consists of three essential skills Listening to what the other person is saying, Expressing how you feel and what you think, and Accepting the other person’s opinions and feelings even when they are different from your own. Dr John Gottman has found through his research into couples, that there are four communication “spoilers” that couples can do when they disagree, he calls them the four horsemen. They are: Criticism... Read more
