Blog Post | 11 April, 2017
Clarke Creek is a small community 2.5 hours south of Mackay and one of the remote and regional communities hardest hit after ex-tropical Cyclone Debbie crossed the Queensland Coast almost two weeks ago. The community of approximately 170 residents has been doing it tough coming to grips with the damage and huge financial costs they face as the clean-up in this community continues. Over the weekend, two counsellors from the Mackay venue travelled with a team of other workers from the Department of Communities and other government agencies to provide support and assistance to the Clarke Creek... Read more
Basic page | 22 March, 2020
Relationships Australia Queensland’s Workplace by Facebook service (the “Service”) provides you with the ability to internally communicate with your Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ) colleagues via an online platform. The Service is entirely separate from your personal Facebook account. The content and accounts held in Workplace are visible to RAQ only. The Service is provided by RAQ in order to give its employees the opportunity to participate in internal collaboration efficiently. Participation on or use of the Service is voluntary and is not a requirement of your employment. Use of... Read more
Blog Post | 11 June, 2019
In 2017-18 more than 10,900 calls were made to elder abuse hotlines across Australia according to new statistics released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare.  A large percentage of elder abuse cases go unreported, due to the abused individual being isolated from support networks or unable to access support if they are suffering from a disability such as dementia. However, the World Health Organization estimates that one in six elderly individuals have been the victims of some form of abuse in the last year. The term, ‘elder abuse’ is used to describe a collection of... Read more
Blog Post | 14 June, 2017
Relationships Australia Qld is supporting the United Nations World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEAAD) on Thursday June 15. On this day communities across the world honour our older people, and uphold their right to live in safety, with dignity and respect. WEAAD is an opportunity to make the community aware that many older people experience mistreatment from people close to them, often their family members. Relationships Australia Qld CEO Dr Ian Law said that WEAAD was an important day to recognise the challenges faced by our Elders and their families, and to assure the community that support... Read more
Blog Post | 07 April, 2022
Technology has changed the way we gamble, making it more accessible and convenient. Mobile phone users can access online gambling websites and apps at the touch of a button – any time, anywhere. We’re seeing betting ads on billboards, TV, websites, and even social media apps. Gambling is engrained in Australian culture, and it’s generally accepted and normalised. Unfortunately, this easy access and regular advertising means our young people have more exposure to gambling than ever before – and it may seem like an appealing activity to some teens and youth. According to a recent... Read more
Blog Post | 23 April, 2020
With so many pages, people and posts out there providing information around COVID-19, it can be hard to distinguish fact from fake. Some sources simply aren’t up to date with the latest info, and others intentionally set out to misinform their readers. Understanding the coronavirus outbreak may help remove some of the anxiety surrounding it. But being bombarded with conflicting information can negatively impact your mental – and physical – wellbeing. We’ve compiled a few reliable sources so you can stay informed and stay safe.   Official Pages for Health and Legislative Updates... Read more
Basic page | 23 March, 2016
  علاقات أستراليا (كوينزلاند) رائدة في توفير خدمات دعم علاقات الأفراد والأسر والمجتمعات المحلية. نهدف إلى دعم جميع الناس في أستراليا لتحقيق علاقات إيجابية ومحترمة.   نحن منظمة أسترالية مستندة إلى المجتمع المحلي، لا تتوخى الربح وليس لها إنتماءات دينية. خدماتنا لجميع أفراد المجتمع، بغض النظر عن المعتقد الديني، العمر، الجنس، الميول الجنسية، خيار نمط الحياة، الخلفية الثقافية أو الظروف الإقتصادية.   تؤثر العلاقات على رفاهيتنا وصحتنا. عندما تواجه صعوبات في العلاقة، بإمكاننا في علاقات أستراليا (كوينزلاند) دعمك بخدماتنا المختلفة مثل خدمة المشورة الفردية وللزوجين، مشاكل القمار... Read more
Basic page | 23 March, 2016
  澳洲关系服务处(Relationships Australia )(昆士兰)是一家为个人、家庭与社区提供关系支持服务的领先机构。我们的宗旨是帮助所有澳大利亚人获得积极且互相尊重的关系。   我们是一家以社区为基础的非盈利性、无宗教隶属关系的澳大利亚机构。我们为所有社区成员提供服务,不论其宗教信仰、年龄、性别、性取向、生活方式选择、文化背景或经济状况。   关系影响到我们的健康和福祉。当您面临关系困难时,澳洲关系中心(昆士兰)可提供各种服务支持您,如个人与夫妇辅导、赌博问题、帮助服务、受害人辅导、家庭纠纷解决及一系列家庭与社区支持与教育计划。   预约 如果您英文能力有限,我们能够聘请专业口译员提供翻译服务。请致电1300 364 277联系我们,告诉我们您讲的语言 — 我们将立即为您安排口译员。通过口译员的协助,我们可以了解如何帮助您。而且这项服务对您来说是免费的。我们会考虑到您的语言背景,始终以恭敬的态度与您对话,解答您的疑问。   参加预约 在收到相关信息之后,如果您想要与我们的执业人员见面,我们会为所有面谈替您免费安排适当的口译员。我们的工作人员努力通过专业口译员增进与您的沟通。我们确保,即使不会讲英文的人,我们也会以公正、恭敬的方式为他们提供适当的服务。
