Basic page | 06 May, 2020
Before your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session.  RAQ Client Agreement and Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Any form of violence and abuse in a relationship is a serious statement that things are not all right. Do you ever have trouble keeping your cool? Do you ever lash out verbally or physically? Do you ever use violence or abuse towards people you love? Are you a victim of violence or abuse? Can you recognise and admit there is a problem? Do you want to change? Do you want to have a safe non-violent healthy relationship? If you said 'yes' to any of the above, getting some relationship support about violence or abuse behaviour is important. Family Violence Prevention Relationships... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Some separated people rely on goodwill and regular communication to raise their children from separate households. RAQ thinks that the parenting and other arrangements that separated people make themselves is the most powerful agreement of all, although legal power is not involved. Some separated people use Family Dispute Resolution, which involves mediation, to arrive at agreements about children and property. Family Relationship Centres can offer family dispute resolution, which involves mediation for parents and grandparents. RAQ venues offer very similar... Read more
Blog Post | 12 December, 2014
Welcome to our regular Family Friday Fun post. This is a great place to start if you’re looking for something fun to do with your kids? Every Friday we’ll bring you activities, suggestions and inspiration to encourage a bit of Family Friday Fun.  #FamilyFridayFun #FFF Make Your Own Play Dough Play dough is a fun way to encourage creativity in young children. It’s easy and cheap to make at home and when the fun is finished it can be stored in an airtight container for another day. Play dough can also be educational as children explore imagination, shapes, colours and use their fine... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The Rainbow training approach is largely informed by the model of Gay-Affirmative Practice and the growing body of work supporting its efficacy (McGeorge & Stone Carlson, 2011; Bieschke, Perez et al., 2007; Lebolt, 1999). In order to reflect the inclusive nature of the Rainbow Program, we have adopted the term ‘LGBTIQ-Affirmative Practice’. Central to LGBTIQ-Affirmative Practice is an emphasis on an exploration of practitioners’ understandings of their own sexual orientation development as well as their understanding of the heteronormative assumptions they were conditioned by and the... Read more
Blog Post | 28 November, 2023
Your favourite song. A hug from a loved one. The first sip of coffee. These can all be considered ‘glimmers’ – small moments of joy that boost your mood and make you feel calm. The term was coined by Deb Dana, a clinical social worker who specialises in complex trauma, and the concept has taken off around the internet and among mental health professionals. The best part is, glimmers can be found in our everyday lives – we just have to look for them. "We're not talking great, big, expansive experiences of joy or safety or connection," explains Dana. "These are micro moments... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Perhaps the best way to think about rights is to look at Children’s rights to know their parent’s and extended families, to be well supported and to enjoy their childhood in peace and safety. Parents and Grandparents have responsibilities to achieve these child outcomes. RAQ offers help in the form of a Family Dispute Resolution process. This involves a screening process called an Intake and mediation between parents if appropriate. At Family Relationship Centres a group information session will be offered as well and Child Consultants may be involved where appropriate and agreed.
Blog Post | 28 June, 2021
Panic attacks are more common than you might think. In fact, up to 5 in every 100 Australians will experience a panic attack at some stage in their life. A panic attack is a sudden brief episode of intense anxiety that can bring on the physical symptoms of fear and make you feel out of control. Symptoms might include a racing heart, shortness of breath, shaking, sweating, and tightness in the chest. The panic generally peaks after about 10 minutes, and it can take around half an hour to subside. This blog post will explore some of the causes of panic attacks and offer some strategies for... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
A number of our services are free. We are a not-for-profit community organisation and only partially funded by the government, so fees are normally charged. However, we do try to make our services as affordable as possible. Our fees for counselling are $75 or $35 for concession card holders for a 1 hour counselling session. Family Dispute Resolution Sessions are $35.00 per party for the intake session and $75.00 per party. If you are unable to afford this, we have fee reduction available to all our clients. We also offer a number of our services at no cost to the client, call 1300 364... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Service times vary from venue to venue, including day time hours and some evening hours. We are closed on weekends. Contact us to find out the availability of your nearest Rainbow Counsellor
