Blog Post | 28 May, 2021
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event or ongoing traumatic events. It’s only human to have intense reactions to traumatic incidents that threaten us or others – like death, a car accident, domestic violence, serious injury, or sexual abuse. Everyone responds differently to these shocking and overwhelming events, and some people can develop PTSD. Research shows about 20% of people who are exposed to... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ) Rainbow Training is a suite of training modules designed to offer effective training for human services organisations in achieving best practice in service provision to clients of diverse bodies, genders and sexualities. This target group is often referred to as the LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer) community. At Relationships Australia Queensland, we also sometimes refer to this community as the Rainbow Community. These various terms will all be used in this document, depending on the context. The learning materials... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The Rainbow Counselling Service is a counselling service for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) individuals and couples, their families and allies, as well as those questioning their sexual orientation or gender identity. The service hub is located at our Spring Hill venue with two specifically trained counsellors covering the whole working week. We also have a network of Rainbow counsellors across our regional and metropolitan venues, who receive specific training and support to work effectively with LGBTIQ clients.
Blog Post | 10 August, 2023
The Voice has been a popular topic in the media as we edge closer to the referendum, expected to take place later this year.  Opinions and feelings are strong and varied, and we’ve heard from a diverse range of voices on both sides of the debate.  But what exactly will a First Nations Voice to Parliament look like if successfully voted into the Australian Constitution?  We unpack some key details of The Voice and important things to consider when determining your vote.  However you intend to vote, the safety, wellbeing, and respect of our First Nations Peoples should be... Read more
Blog Post | 10 February, 2021
Can positivity be a bad thing? The phrase “toxic positivity” refers to the idea that having a positive attitude and “good vibes only” is the best way to live. It tells us that negative emotions are bad, and expressing feelings such as sadness, anger and disappointment makes us weak or not fun to be around. But no one feels happy all the time, and ups and downs are a normal part of life. Suppressing negative emotions can cause more psychological harm, and can even lead to mental health issues like anxiety and depression. We hope these tips help you avoid toxic positivity and be more... Read more
Blog Post | 14 February, 2016
Valentine’s Day is much celebrated in Australia and its popularity is increasing by the year. It’s an opportunity to strengthen bonds of love with partners, family, friends or those we secretly admire. This Valentine’s Day, as well as offering flowers and chocolates, try bringing other gifts to your relationship that can be appreciated throughout the year. Dr Gary Chapman, directs us to the five love languages, as a way for us to connect with our partners and create long lasting, happy and stable relationships. Dr Chapman identifies the love languages as: Gifts – loving through giving and... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The focus is on you and your relationships, but we acknowledge that other issues, such as addictions, anxiety and depression, domestic violence or trauma are issues, which sometimes impact relationships. The Rainbow Service does not rule out working with such issues within this context but if appropriate, your Rainbow Service counsellor may suggest referring you to other specialist services. 
Article | 12 April, 2016
Defining what makes a fulfilling, intimate relationship. A 'good adult relationship' means different things to different people. And there are many different kinds of relationships. The couple relationship may be the most important one in our society. It is often the main relationship in people's lives; it is the basis of a family (and this is the place where most of us learn about adult love, about negotiation, about how to change and how to compromise), and it is often an economic unit. What do we mean by 'adult relationship'? Some relationships between adults are mainly sexual, but all... Read more
Blog Post | 27 March, 2023
You’ve accomplished so much in your life already! It’s perfectly okay that you find yourself thinking about moving in with your children. Seniors choose to move in with their child for many reasons such as the rising cost of living, changing health and care needs, or to be closer together. Moving into your child’s home may strengthen your relationship and can be mutually beneficial. It’s important to prepare for potential problems and to maintain a healthy, happy dynamic between you and your child when making the decision about moving in with them.   The level of care that you need You’... Read more
