Blog Post | 06 August, 2020
When you think of domestic and family abuse, chances are verbal abuse and physical violence come to mind. But financial abuse can be just as damaging, taking away people’s independence and leaving them feeling vulnerable, isolated, and depressed. Research shows nearly 16% of women and over 7% of men in Australia have experienced financial abuse in their lifetime. It’s the most commonly reported form of abuse of older adults. But financial abuse can happen to anyone. The... Read more
Blog Post | 18 January, 2021
The term ‘gaslighting’ has become popular in recent years, but this behaviour has been common among abusers for centuries. Gaslighting is a form of abuse used to manipulate and control the victim. It can be so subtle the victim might not even realise it’s happening. But as sneaky as it can be, gaslighting can be just as damaging as physical abuse. Learn more about this toxic tactic and how to spot it in your relationships.   What does ‘gaslighting’ mean? The term ‘gaslighting’ comes from the 1938 play Gas Light, and the 1944 film adaptation of the play, Gaslight. In this story, a husband... Read more
Blog Post | 18 May, 2021
Domestic and family violence can happen to anyone – men, women, and children – and it is never OK. Regardless of gender, no one deserves to experience any type of abuse from a partner, and everyone has the right to feel safe in their home. But violence against women perpetrated by men is a particularly serious and widespread problem in Australia. Many girls and women in Australia live in fear of physical, sexual and emotional violence in the streets, at school, at work, on social media, and in their homes. Statistics show that because of their gender, females have a higher risk of domestic... Read more
Blog Post | 11 July, 2023
There are endless approaches – and opinions – when it comes to parenting.  ‘Gentle parenting’ has become a popular topic online in recent years, and we’re still learning more about this parenting style.  This method is built on the foundation of four elements:  Empathy – Empathising with your child  Respect – Showing respect to your child  Boundaries – Enforcing consistent boundaries  Understanding – Understanding your child and their needs.  British childcare expert Sarah Ockwell-Smith coined the name of this parenting style in 2016 with her book “The... Read more
Blog Post | 01 May, 2014
This is a guest blog post from Brian O'Neill, Clinical Director of Lives Lived Well. Brian is conducting two professional Gestalt Therapy Masterclasses for Relationships Australia Queensland next week in Brisbane. **************************** Gestalt therapy works from the existential space where to Know something is Knowledge, to Understand it is Intelligence and toLive it is Wisdom. My own sense is that a great strength of gestalt... Read more
Blog Post | 22 June, 2021
Enjoying a few drinks with friends can be fun – but the hangover anxiety that can follow is anything but. ‘Hangxiety’ has become a popular term to describe the feeling of anxiety after drinking. You may be familiar with the physical symptoms of a hangover, like a headache and nausea. But the morning after a big night can also bring psychological symptoms, like fear and shame around something you may have said or done. This article will dive into the science and psychology behind hangxiety and how to cope with an alcohol-induced anxiety spike.   Why do we get anxiety after drinking? There... Read more
Blog Post | 18 February, 2021
Do you ever worry you’re not as good as you seem? Like you have no clue what you’re doing and it’s only a matter of time until others find out? If you feel you’re ‘tricking' people into thinking you’re better than you actually are, you may have imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a phenomenon where you struggle to accept your own successes, and instead attribute them to other factors like luck. While a little bit of doubt now and then is normal, imposter syndrome can be harmful if you don’t take the time to challenge your beliefs. Some ways imposter syndrome can affect how you act... Read more
Blog Post | 02 June, 2020
Mediation can be a great way to help two or more people in conflict agree on a mutually acceptable solution. It might be useful for neighbours disputing over a fence, an employer and employee resolving an issue in the workplace, or helping separated families divide property and/or agree on childcare arrangements. But what exactly does a mediator do? And how does mediation help? Family Dispute Resolution (FDR) Practitioner Tara Roberts and FDR Clinical Supervisor and Conflict Coach John Cleary shed some light on family mediation and dispute resolution here.   Who uses mediation? As... Read more
Blog Post | 30 May, 2023
Graduate. Buy a house. Get married. Have a baby. Life seems like one big checklist sometimes, and this can cause anxiety around whether you’re ticking things off in time. Maybe you’re watching friends fall in love or find their dream job and wondering: Am I falling behind? When is it my turn? It’s normal to compare your journey to your peers, especially during your late teens and twenties. A 2022 study found Millennials and Gen Z are experiencing more pressure to... Read more
Blog Post | 01 July, 2021
Am I doing enough? Am I doing it right? Am I a good mum? A recent study of 900 mums found 78% felt guilty, with 68% feeling this way at least once a day. So where does mum guilt or parental guilt come from, and how can we deal with it? We explore the phenomenon of mum guilt and some strategies to cope with it here.   What causes mum guilt? Parenting raises endless decisions. Will you breastfeed or bottle feed? Continue in your career or stay at home? Make your own baby food or buy off the shelves?... Read more
