Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
Article | 12 April, 2016
Being able to handle conflict and deal with differences is important in maintaining healthy relationships. Everyone who is in a relationship or cares about their relationships may need assistance at some time to: help them deal with problems or difficulties in a relationship learn how to form or improve relationships cope with a relationship that has broken down help to change a relationship where there is violence and abuse. Differences are part of relationships People often get very emotional and angry when they see their partner has different values, beliefs or expectations to... Read more
Individual Service | 11 August, 2022
What is Relationship Education? Our Relationship Education program offers a number of workshops to support people in gaining skills, resources and deeper insight into themselves and their relationships. These workshops can also be helpful to attend while you are on a waitlist for a counselling session or in conjunction with your counselling sessions. What is involved? These workshops are run by experienced facilitators in a supportive, safe and engaging way. When you are attending one of these workshops, you get together in the same room/online group with people with similar goals for... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Even healthy relationships need help from time to time. Has your relationship lost the spark that it had when you first met? Do you daydream about that romantic relationship with the person of your dreams and yet it never seems to come true? Or is your relationship a bit humdrum? There aren't problems. It's just that there is no excitement to make you want to rush out on a Friday evening. Some people believe that: we should automatically know how to have that 'perfect relationship' that it should be easy and if we can't work it out then something is wrong with us once we get married... Read more
Individual Course | 21 December, 2021
For individuals who want to learn more about themselves and improve their confidence and ability to build satisfying and healthy relationships. Course Program: Beliefs Needs Emotions Communication Dynamics A Positive Perspective Sessions will run from 16th May – 20th June 2022 on Mondays from 5:30PM-7:30PM.
Service Category | 04 June, 2015
Article | 12 April, 2016
Relationships at home and in the workplace can impact on each other. The relationships we have in the workplace are a major part of our work. Not only do we go to work to earn a living and to take care of our homes and families, we also go to work for the social aspects of relating with people. When our relationships at home and work are going well for us we feel invigorated and alive: we like being at work. The relationships between our personal/family life and our working life are two-way. Work related difficulties and stresses can affect our personal and family well-being just as... Read more
Blog Post | 11 August, 2017
Marriage Discrimination is Harmful to LGBTI Australians’ Health As leading health organisations we call on the Australian Government to legislate for marriage equality and put an end to marriage discrimination. It is our shared professional opinion, based on conclusive evidence, that denying people the right to marry is harmful to their health and wellbeing.1 The longer we delay marriage equality, the longer people in LGBTI communities will experience the negative health impacts of being denied access to the same rights, privileges, responsibilities and institutions as the rest of the... Read more
Basic page | 16 April, 2020
Before your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. Privacy Information Sheet RAQ Client Agreement and Consent Client Charter... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Moving to a new country is a big change, and has an impact on our old relationships, as well as the new ones we form. Australia's history is steeped in the migrants who have sought a new life in the "lucky country". Many have come, bringing their own distinct customs, values and ways of living. Australia's culture has been enriched by this diverse and colourful contribution. New migrants arriving in Australia have a significant adjustment to make as they learn about Australia, its culture and people. This involves making massive changes in relationships through this journey: saying... Read more
