Basic page | 22 March, 2016
RAQ has been delivering LGBTI training to our staff across the state since 2009, helping them to become more confident and competent in working with LGBTI clients. In early 2014 we began extending this training to other human services organisations and received overwhelmingly positive evaluations of our dynamic and experiential approach, as the following quotes from participants illustrate: “Very thorough presentation. Excellent presenters. Learnt a lot today, thank you.” “Loved this training! Opened my eyes to areas of peoples’ lives I had never considered.”. “It was enlightening for me... Read more
Location | 26 February, 2018
1300 364 277
Blog Post | 14 March, 2019
Image: Team Leader Brett Smith (L) congratulates Greg King After a successful career in Telecommunications and Photography, Greg commenced study to become a counsellor in his 30s, some 40 years ago. The career change was spurred on by a very personal realisation. "I discovered that there was a different way to manage emotions to what was taught to young men in those days..." “I discovered that there was a different way to manage emotions to what was taught to young men in those days, and I wanted to understand that and to pass that knowledge on to help others” Greg said.  Across... Read more
Blog Post | 02 May, 2018
Lots of research shows us that happiness is linked with longer and more fulfilling lives, better mental and physical health, stronger relationships and many other psychological, social and economic benefits. But how do we get to happiness? A team in the UK has created an approach that moves away from mental ill health towards a focus on positive mental health. It is called the Wheel of Wellbeing (WoW), and has been developed over eight years in conjunction with communities and organisations to shape new ways to improve well-being. WoW is based on six universal aspects of well-being: •... Read more
Blog Post | 25 January, 2016
With the recent Yabulu Nickel Refinery lay-offs, many members of our Townsville community are affected—with retrenched workers facing an uncertain future and worry, or even panic, about their family’s financial situation. The pressures and insecurity facing these miners will be familiar to anyone who has been unexpectedly laid off, retrenched, or ‘made redundant’ from their job… and in addition to the financial impacts, we understand that the emotional consequences of job loss can also be extremely difficult. The resulting stress of redundancy can tip a pretty healthy and functional... Read more
Basic page | 27 February, 2017
Our staff – this includes the following staff categories  Family dispute resolution practitioners (FDRPs or post-separation mediators) Family & relationship counsellors Victims of crime counselling support workers Stopping family violence counsellors (perpetrator-focused) Domestic & family violence support workers (victim-focused) Gambling helpline service counsellors (includes financial counsellors) Contact center personnel  Our clients – this includes the following client categories  Separated parents Children of separated couples Individuals... Read more
Basic page | 20 April, 2022
Individual Service | 17 January, 2019
Free and confidential support for people impacted by institutional child sexual abuse who are considering applying to the National Redress Scheme. Phone 1800 552 127 The National Redress Scheme provides acknowledgement and support to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. It was created in response to the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse, which estimated that 60,000 people experienced institutional child sexual abuse in Australia. Redress is an alternative to seeking compensation through the courts. The National Redress Scheme... Read more
Basic page | 06 May, 2020
Before your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session.  RAQ Client Agreement and Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Individual Service | 02 May, 2024
