Blog Post | 28 January, 2011
One of the biggest challenges facing modern families is to maintain a healthy balance between work and home life. Covering basic living expenses can be challenging enough, without the additional pressure to keep up with the latest products, trends and luxuries. This can lead to pressure to earn more - working longer hours, taking on multiple jobs or seeking higher paid (and more demanding) employment. In one way or another, most families struggle to find a healthy balance between work and home life. Under these types of pressures, parents may find it difficult to maintain a healthy... Read more
Blog Post | 31 May, 2011
Being Taken For Granted The problem:  When we start to date someone special, our focus is on that person and building the relationship.  It can be one of the most joyous and happy times of our lives.  As time passes though, we can start to take our partners for granted assuming that they will always be around and doing the things that they have always done in the relationship.  This can be the start of a destructive pattern as one person may start to feel resentful that their contribution to the relationship is not being recognized or supported by the other person. The... Read more
Course type | 24 July, 2015
This course is designed to assist separated parents who are experiencing ongoing conflict. It will cover ways to minimise parental conflict so that children can grow, develop, and reach their full potential post-separation. We have separate groups for children who have/are experiencing separation of parents, conflict, and changes in their family situation. See POPPERS (6-9yrs) and POPSTARS (10-13yrs).Dates and times for this course differ depending on the venue. This course is delivered in person and online via Zoom videoconferencing. Course Program From one place to two places: setting the... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Yes, both parents need to attend, and no individual intake sessions can be arranged.
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Yes, we do require consent from both parents.
Blog Post | 06 October, 2020
Thinking of opening your home and heart to a foster child for the short-term or long-term? Becoming a foster parent is a big step. The journey of a foster carer can have its challenges, but it can also be one of the most rewarding and worthwhile things you ever do. If you’re a new foster parent feeling nervous about your first placement, we hope these foster parenting tips help you feel a little more prepared.   Provide their creature comforts Along with the basics like clean clothes and personal hygiene items, make them feel as welcome as possible by providing their preferred... Read more
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
Counselling offers individuals an opportunity to consider what is happening in their life and what they would like to be happening.  Gambling help counsellors talk with their clients to look at what is currently happening and explore changes that they may make. 
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
Basic page | 06 May, 2020
Before your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. RAQ Client Agreement and Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Board Member | 09 June, 2022
Garnett is an experienced Chief Financial Officer, executive, and director who has spent significant time in the ‘profit for members’ superannuation sector. Garnett’s financial services career spans almost 25 years across a range of areas including chartered accounting, financial advice, strategy development, mergers and acquisitions, and investment operations.
