Basic page | 26 August, 2020
Before attending your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. RAQ Client Agreement and Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Blog Post | 23 December, 2014
Family Relationship Stress at Christmas It may come as no surprise – the latest Relationships Australia survey has found that close to 40% of men and 30% of women experience stress related to spending time with extended family, including in-laws at Christmas. Around 850 people have responded to the online survey, which is currently available on the Relationships Australia website. The survey will close at the end of December. “In managing Christmas stress it’s probably best to consider our own expectations of the big day. Our family and our life may not be exactly what we dream about, but... Read more
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
Basic page | 15 July, 2020
Before attending your session, please take the time to review the following important documents. If you have any questions, these can be addressed with your practitioner in your session. Client Agreement & Consent Client Charter Privacy Information Sheet... Read more
Blog Post | 11 February, 2016
Gone are the days where there is a married couple with kids, a cat, a dog and a mortgage. Where mum stays home and bakes while dad works a 9–5 job and is home to coach little Jimmy’s soccer team on Saturday. Nobody wanted to really know about the relationship between Aunt Mable and her lifelong friend Gayle who have lived and done everything together for 50 years. Shame on little Betty for getting herself knocked up out of wedlock, and divorce was something you didn’t do. “What an uncomplicated life,” some might say. Sounds a bit narrow minded to me… I think it’s fair to say there is no... Read more
Course type | 24 July, 2015
Family Therapy aims to prevent family breakdown by working directly with couples, families, young people and their families or caregivers to resolve conflict and improve relationships. It is a voluntary, co-operative problem solving process in which qualified and impartial counsellors and Masters Counselling students assist you to resolve disputes and make decisions by agreement. Family Therapy tends to be short-term and focuses on resolving current conflict and planning for the future. How can I benefit from these services? The services may help you to re-establish connections with family... Read more
Location | 05 June, 2015
Public Transport Buses: The Central Bus Station is two blocks away from the venue. Trains: Cairns Central Station is two blocks away from the venue. Ferries: NA Access and Parking Directions The Cairns FRC is located in central Cairns, and parking is available on the street outside of the venue. Clients need to be aware that street parking incurs a cost for meters. Facilities Payment Facilities Other Facilities Cash EFTPOS Credit card Disabled access Disabled toilets
Blog Post | 12 January, 2012
Many fathers today see themselves as an integral part of family life no longer content to put all their energy and love into their careers. Increasingly, fathers are taking time to play, cuddle, talk and teach their children. Unlike the past, where fathers were more inclined to be distant, fathers today are seeking to share parenting responsibility, strive for a better balance between work and home and to be there to encourage, support and believe in their children. Fathers bring different things to parenting, things that are unique and irreplaceable in the way they show consistency,... Read more
Blog Post | 21 January, 2011
Read over the following statements and answer ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as they relate to your life. Are you feeling fatigued, dejected, ‘down’? Is every day an uphill battle? Do you feel ‘numb’ and like a robot who is going through the motions? Do you have trouble sleeping (when you get the chance) and then not want to get out of bed? Do you think that nothing ever seems to work out; that there is no light at the end of the tunnel…..just work, the bills, the pressure to get the job done, and your partner and kids complaining that you are never around, and when you are that you never do enough and... Read more
Blog Post | 27 February, 2015
Love it or hate it, Fifty Shades of Grey is certainly a hot topic at the moment. A story of two people many would say are mismatched—brought together by lust and sexual attraction. One unworldly and innocent, the other carrying hurts from the past, motivating a need to feel powerful and in control. Do we always fall in love with the right person or make wise logical choices when we are infatuated or attracted to someone? Love can sometimes take us by surprise and we can desire someone for many different reasons. The drive we feel to connect with another person is essentially ‘... Read more
