Blog Post | 26 April, 2022
Through our hard yarns, we invite you on a journey to learn, to challenge your previous beliefs, and to consciously ‘unlearn’ the inherent racism we see all too often.  Until the 1967 referendum, First Nations Peoples weren't included in the census and therefore weren’t considered members of the Australian population.The 1967 Referendum changed the Constitution to allow First Nations Peoples to be included in the census, and giving federal Parliament the power to make laws in relation to First Nations Peoples. Before this, First Nations Peoples weren’t counted as part of the Australian... Read more
Blog Post | 30 May, 2022
We’re aware this content may cause distress for some people. We encourage you to seek trauma-informed and culturally appropriate support from a trusted professional. Readers are advised to hold a trauma-informed approach through any sharing of materials on this page. Lifeline: 13 11 14 13YARN: 13 92 76   We’ve been hearing a lot about the Uluru Statement from the Heart in the news lately. On May 21, Australia’s new Prime Minister Anthony Albanese started his victory speech with a message of support for the Statement. “I begin by acknowledging the Traditional Owners of the land on which... Read more
Blog Post | 16 February, 2022
The pandemic has made many of us re-evaluate our relationships. It’s taken more effort than ever to stay in touch with the people we care about. We’ve had to be more deliberate with texts, calls, FaceTimes, and one-friend-at-a-time daily walks. This has brought some friendships closer and caused others to drift apart. Lockdowns and logistics aren’t the only factors that changed our friendships during COVID. Opposing views around mask mandates and vaccinations may also have caused rifts between friends. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s normal for friends to come and go throughout... Read more
Blog Post | 04 October, 2023
When you reminisce on your childhood, you may recall regularly being surrounded by your cousins and extended family, or playing with the neighbouring kids while the adults chatted on front lawns. These days, some of us are lucky to see our extended family members once a year, and we may never even meet our neighbours. It seems we’re losing the sense of community we remember from years past and becoming more siloed and separate from the people around us.... Read more
Blog Post | 26 February, 2016
Recently I needed an MRI. I’d suspected I could be claustrophobic, however it’s never been tested; until the MRI….. A nurse greets me. Do I want an eye mask? No, I’ll just close my eyes. I’m on a table with earplugs and earmuffs. I’m given an oblong ball to push, if I want to stop. Close my eyes. Deep breath. I’m ready. The table moves into the machine. I feel it close around me. I have an immediate reaction and open my eyes. “Are you okay?” she asks. “Yep - but can you get me out?” I say with a surprising tremble. I’d started sweating. My heart was racing. I was panting through my... Read more
Blog Post | 28 March, 2024
There’s a lot of global unrest and devastation happening in the news. But many of us are still processing the outcome of last year’s referendum.  On the 14th of October 2023, Australians voted on a proposal to enshrine a First Nations advisory body in the constitution.  With just 39.9% of legal votes in favour of this change, the Voice to Parliament was rejected.  First Nations leaders who campaigned for The Voice called for a... Read more
Blog Post | 31 March, 2023
Emotional abuse can have serious ongoing impacts on survivors. It can cause low self-esteem, isolation, and even mental health conditions such as anxiety or PTSD. But with time and the right support and resources, it is possible to process and heal from emotional abuse and regain your confidence and sense of self. RAQ Relationship Educator Gamze shares her insights and advice around emotional abuse here, including: What is emotional abuse? Why might someone emotionally abuse their partner? Impacts on survivors Leaving an abusive relationship Coping strategies to heal from emotional abuse... Read more
Blog Post | 03 August, 2022
Numerous studies over the years have shown that human connection is important for our health and wellbeing. It’s normal to experience loneliness from time to time. But lengthy periods of loneliness or social isolation can increase our risk of some physical and mental health conditions. We explore the negative effects of social isolation and the importance of human connection here. Effects of Social Isolation on Mental Health All humans have a basic need for social connection. It’s in our DNA, along with our need for food, water, and shelter. When this need isn’t met, our mental health and... Read more
Board Member | 09 June, 2022
Helen is a Non-Executive Director, with over twenty years' executive and board level experience across the not for profit, public, and commercial sectors with particular experience in financial services, education, superannuation, and start-ups. Helen is Non-Executive Director, holding positions with RSL Queensland as a Committee Member on the Audit and Risk Committee and Investment Committee and as Board and Committee member with Relationships Australia Queensland. Helen is also engaged with the Start-Up community fulfilling advisory and board roles. As an executive Helen has an extensive... Read more
Blog Post | 04 March, 2011
Separation and divorce is a change that affects a number of Australian families each year.  With 40% of all marriages ending in divorce the Australian Institute of Family Studies states that divorce is impacting on 50,000 children each year.  Some children will experience more than one parental divorce or separation during their childhood. Divorce and separation is not a single event but a process that all members of the family move through over a period of time.  It involves multiple changes and multiple challenges for parents and children. The number one concern for parents... Read more
