Blog Post | 16 January, 2014
We live in an age of crazy busy-ness. There is a constant demand for our attention, money and time. Every single day, we are confronted with a myriad of choices in regard to how to live our life. We are spoilt with choice, when it comes to clothing, groceries and basically everything else. It looks like we have all the freedom in the world, when in fact what we are really looking for is actually a lot more complex. Isn’t it interesting, that most people would rather choose to have more time and less pressures and responsibilities, than working tirelessly every day to afford the things that... Read more
Blog Post | 18 November, 2013
How is it that we can live in a smooth routine with our partner and everything just seems to flow? We have found our unique slice of heaven with a companion and nothing can go wrong. Being in our comfort zone is very important to us human beings, as it helps us to feel safe, secure and in control. No one likes the feeling of loosing control, so most of the time we are very busy trying to maintain the status quo, even if we are actually quite annoyed with our partner. This need for predictability is deeply ingrained in us. It helps to plan and foresee the things which in reality are not very... Read more
Blog Post | 05 October, 2021
It’s coming up to two years since COVID-19 changed the world as we know it. As the post-COVID world we’re living in starts to feel like the new normal, it can be easy to ignore the impacts it’s still having on our mental health. A lot of us are feeling anxious about the uncertainty of the future, while others might simply be feeling ‘meh’ and struggling to find motivation. It’s important to keep checking in with ourselves and prioritising our mental health during COVID. Because no matter how long we’ve had to adjust to these strange times, there may still be ongoing impacts to our emotional... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Gambling help counselling can help people experiencing problems associated with gambling in various ways. Counselling can help you to: clarify your goals for change; understand why you gamble; identify your gambling high risk people, places, situations and moods; develop plans to eliminate, reduce or manage risks more effectively; work with issues such as depression, anxiety, trauma and grief that may interact with gambling; work to maintain changes made; and identify and plan to manage relapse risks  
Blog Post | 26 July, 2021
Has gambling become a problem for you? When enjoyed responsibly, gambling can be a fun form of entertainment. But if it gets out of control, it can start to cause problems in your life and relationships. We hope this advice helps if you’re having a hard time keeping your gambling under control and want to know how to stop yourself from gambling.   Recognise Risky Behaviours Knowing the common signs of problem gambling can help you keep an eye on your gambling habits. Some signs your gambling might be unhealthy include: Arguing with family and friends after gambling Borrowing... Read more
Basic page | 04 June, 2015
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Consent Orders around children or property or both are legal processes where the Court formally acknowledges that people have agreed to certain plans and settlements. RAQ always encourages clients to seek legal advice around legal matters. RAQ is not a legal office. Our mediators may have legal backgrounds but cannot give legal advice.
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Separation and divorce are different but offer related things. Just as marriage is a legal contract, divorce is the legal dissolution of that contract. A family lawyer can assist you with a divorce application. RAQ is not a legal office. Separation may require meetings to work out arrangements for raising children and dividing property and possessions. RAQ Family Dispute Practitioners (mediators) are trained to work with separated people. Book an Appointment For more information or to make an appointment please call us on 1300 364 277.
Blog Post | 16 March, 2022
The last few years have been challenging for many of us. There’s a lot going on around the world right now, and it’s normal to feel more stressed and anxious than usual. But prolonged excessive stress can lead to emotional burnout – the feeling of being emotionally and mentally drained, or like your cup is always empty. Some common emotional burnout symptoms might include: Lack of motivation Irritability Low mood Trouble sleeping Reduced capacity to cope Feelings of hopelessness Apathy or feeling ‘numb’ Changes in sleep Changes in appetite. It’s more important than ever to look... Read more
Individual FAQ | 04 April, 2016
How long and how often people attend gambling help counselling vary. At the gambling help service our phone and face to face appointments usually last for an hour. Frequency and timing of sessions will be negotiated between yourself and your counsellor to respond to your own situation. Early in the counselling process, your counsellor may invite you to attend weekly appointments.  Appointment frequency may scale back through fortnightly to monthly as you gain confidence in managing your gambling.  When you are confident about managing your gambling your counsellor will work with... Read more
