Blog Post | 14 October, 2016
Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 The Domestic and Family Violence Protection and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2016 (the Bill) was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 11 October 2016. The Bill is part of an ongoing reform process in response to the report of the Special Taskforce on Domestic and Family Violence in Queensland and makes important improvements to better protect victims of domestic and family violence and their families, strengthen the justice response to domestic and family violence, and support the delivery of integrated... Read more
Blog Post | 19 April, 2021
Domestic and family abuse is often described as something that happens in a pattern or cycle. The domestic violence cycle of abuse proposed by psychologist Lenore Walker in the 1970s is still commonly referred to by professionals today. This cycle involves four stages: Tensions building Incident of abuse Reconciliation Calm. This domestic violence cycle helps to illustrate common patterns of abusive behaviour in relationships. We understand that everyone’s experience with domestic and family abuse is different, but this blog post will explore this particular domestic violence cycle... Read more
Blog Post | 03 March, 2016
Recently a co-worker came in to the office with a young boy who hasn’t had the easiest of times in his life and on this particular day a significant event had occurred.  As the worker involved had a number of things to organise and discuss with the manager, I spent some time entertaining this 5yo. It didn’t take much and we were soon engrossed with pretending to change the tyres on the toy trucks and so on, with quite a few giggles from our young guest. To be honest accessing my own inner child and engaging with a child on their level is always enjoyable for me! It was obvious he had no... Read more
Blog Post | 31 December, 2010
There is a terrific line in the comedy classic ‘Groundhog Day’ where Bill Murray’s character (who feels invincible because he is ‘stuck’ in a day of his life that keeps repeating itself) allows himself to be driven by a groundhog – after getting in the car with the groundhog behind the wheel, he says to the groundhog ‘Don’t Drive Angry!’. Of course in this instance those words were uttered for the sake of a comedic scene in a movie, but they hold some deep truth for when we get behind the wheel. For any road user, a simple road trip can quickly push the blood pressure sky high when someone... Read more
Blog Post | 24 June, 2020
Domestic and family violence has a significant impact on the health and wellbeing of survivors and witnesses. The effects of domestic violence go beyond physical marks and injuries. The mental and emotional consequences can endure long after bruises have healed, and even after the abusive relationship has ended. Every form of domestic and family violence can have considerable immediate and long-lasting impacts. Physical, psychological, sexual, financial, and all other types of abuse can be just as damaging to the health and wellbeing of survivors and witnesses. While the impacts of... Read more
Location | 05 June, 2015
Location | 02 February, 2016
The Relationships Australia Eight Mile Plains venue is at Building 13, 107 Miles Platting Road, Eight Mile Plains. Due to a median strip on Miles Platting Road, it may be necessary to enter via the secondary park entrance on Brandl Street.
Individual Service | 15 July, 2018
WHAT IS ELDER ABUSE: Elder Abuse is defined by the World Health Organisation as: a single, or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring within any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person. Elder abuse can take various forms such as physical, psychological or emotional, sexual and financial abuse. It can also be the result of intentional or unintentional neglect. Our Elder Abuse Prevention and Support Service is a free case management service providing assistance to those at risk or experiencing elder abuse through... Read more
Blog Post | 05 July, 2023
An Enduring Power of Attorney (EPOA) gives someone else the legal power to make health and financial decisions on your behalf. Misusing an EPOA against an older person is a form of elder abuse called financial abuse. In this blog post, we will give some examples of EPOA misuse, and provide information about protecting yourself against financial elder abuse.   When is an EPOA considered misuse? An EPOA should be used to protect a person’s independence, control, and finances. An EPOA allows someone else (referenced to as your “attorney”) to make financial decisions on your behalf. When you... Read more
Blog Post | 28 July, 2014
Every relationship goes through certain stages and cycles, each one different to the next. To be aware of these stages in our relationships can be very rewarding and it also demystifies the idea that our relationship has to be a 100% at all times. We all go through these times and with the right knowledge, we can master the up’s and down’s a lot in this column let us have a look at the many different faces of our relationships. Visionary Phase – We are one! At first, we picture a satisfying future for the relationship.  We feel “in love,” bonded by our similarities - which... Read more
