Blog Post | 15 March, 2023
National Close the Gap Day is observed on the third Thursday of March, falling on March 16 this year. It aims to raise awareness of  a range of  significant social and economic issues and barriers faced by First Nations – Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Australians, and is an opportunity to show support for the National Agreement on Closing the Gap (the Agreement). Colonisation has caused ongoing trauma across generations of First Nations Australians. There are First Nations Peoples living today who: Were denied an education Could not receive healthcare Did not have the right... Read more
Blog Post | 02 June, 2014
I am a big advocate for joint physical custody. If at all possible, I want children to spend a lot of time - and have good relationships - with both of their parents after a separation or divorce. But there are several problems and potential pitfalls with joint physical custody. I touch on the most important in this entry, including: • For children, joint physical custody is the best and the worst arrangement. • Joint physical custody is a lousy "compromise" between disputing parents. • Joint physical custody is being used, wrongly, to lower child support payments. • Joint... Read more
Blog Post | 07 March, 2024
Are you worried that an older loved one is lonely? Our relationships are critical to our health and wellbeing. Staying socially connected can help us live longer, happier lives. Social isolation includes a lack of social contacts or relationships, little to no engagement with other people, and limited opportunities for socialising. Older adults are at high risk for social isolation due to factors like limited mobility, loss of family and friends, and living alone. Social isolation can lead to loneliness, which can be detrimental for elderly folks. In this blog post, we’ll review how social... Read more
Blog Post | 01 February, 2023
Does your partner make you feel guilty, insecure, intimidated, or dependent on them? You could be in a controlling relationship. A controlling relationship is one where one person uses manipulation and intimidation to create an unequal power dynamic or ‘have the upper hand’ in their relationship. While it may be harder to identify than physical violence, coercive control is still a dangerous form of domestic abuse – and it’s been criminalised in many Australian states. It’s not always easy to know whether you’re in a controlling relationship, especially because the person using control will... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The Relationships Australia Queensland (RAQ) Rainbow Training is a suite of training modules designed to offer effective training for human services organisations in achieving best practice in service provision to clients of diverse bodies, genders and sexualities. This target group is often referred to as the LGBTIQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex or queer) community. At Relationships Australia Queensland, we also sometimes refer to this community as the Rainbow Community. These various terms will all be used in this document, depending on the context. The learning materials... Read more
Blog Post | 20 April, 2022
Social media is a great way to keep in touch and stay up to date with the people we care about. But is the online world costing us our real-life connections? We explore the link between social media and social isolation, and what you can do to ensure your apps aren’t replacing important in-person interactions.   The link between social media and social isolation With social media apps at our fingertips, it’s not uncommon for online interactions to substitute face-to-face catchups. But when we spend more time following our friends’ updates online than we do seeing them in person, it can... Read more
Blog Post | 26 April, 2024
It’s natural for communication styles to differ between partners, especially during disagreements. The way we communicate can be shaped by our upbringing, past experiences in relationships, current emotional state (e.g. juggling the demands of home and work life), and how we think a problem should be handled. One of the most common yet distressing tactics a partner can use during a disagreement is the silent treatment. The silent treatment is often used by people who aren’t comfortable directly communicating their feelings, but it can also be used by controlling partners to get what they want... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
No, your counsellor will work with you and tailor your counselling according to your need.
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
No, this service is only for victims of crime, family members and people who have witnessed a crime.
Blog Post | 02 November, 2015
Am I the only one or do you also get a feeling of dread when you go into a store after Father’s Day and begin to see all the Christmas decorations being put on the shelves?  "Christmas is all about family," they say, and it is, but what happens when the thought of family all together also brings a feeling of dread?  Will there be a scene this year? Will they all get on and be one happy family? Will someone drink too much and offend everyone?  Or even worse, will I be able to afford Christmas this year, presents, food, holidays..? Now don’t read this and panic, there is a way... Read more
