Blog Post | 28 June, 2023
The LGBTQIA+ senior community is expected to grow in the coming years. Older people who identify as LGBTQIA+ face unique challenges, which can make it difficult to feel a sense of security and belonging. Being informed will help you to become a better ally to your older LGBTQIA+ loved ones. We hope these tips can help you to be a supportive ally of your LGBTQIA+ parent, grandparent, or older loved one.   Create a welcoming environment Your support is the easiest and best thing you can offer an LGBTQIA+ loved one. To create a welcoming environment: Don’t make jokes or laugh Use a gentle... Read more
Blog Post | 05 September, 2023
Parents and carers play an important role in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in children. Research shows approximately 1 in 7 children and adolescents aged 4–17 years in Australia experience mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. With the prevalence of mental illness in our young ones, it’s never too early to start focusing on your child’s mental health. Some factors that may impact a child or young person’s mental health include: Family dynamics A... Read more
Blog Post | 30 March, 2021
Does self-isolation have your family climbing the walls? Being holed up at home with your loved ones can put a strain on relationships, especially when concern about the recent health situation already has emotions running high. Whether you’re herding toddlers or teenagers, or looking after your elderly parents, there are several strategies that can help keep your family hopeful and happy while under one roof. We hope these tips help you maintain positive family relationships throughout these trying times.   Set Expectations Early On No one’s sure how long this whole self-isolation... Read more
Blog Post | 12 October, 2020
Men are known for bottling things up. Some men might find it hard to talk about their feelings due to the stigma that still surrounds men’s mental health. Outdated ideas that men should be strong and seeking help is a sign of weakness can prevent them from opening up or reaching out in tough times. So they often suffer in silence, which can make their mental health even worse. Statistics show 1 in 8 men will experience depression, and 1 in 5 men will experience anxiety at some stage of their... Read more
Blog Post | 10 June, 2022
Are you worried about the older people in your life?  Maybe you haven’t seen them in a while, or when you do see them, they seem anxious, withdrawn or flat. It can be hard to see someone you care about struggling, but even harder to know how to bring it up in a way that’s helpful to them.  But with recent studies showing as many as one in six older Australians experience elder abuse, it’s more important than ever to check in with the older people in your life if you suspect something... Read more
Blog Post | 13 March, 2024
Approaching the topic of separation with little ones can be overwhelming. The temptation can be to either delay sharing the news or to ‘rip the band-aid off’.  In many cases, it’s best to be open about the separation as soon as possible. Otherwise, children can often come up with their own explanations for the things they’ve noticed – and may even think they’ve done something wrong.  So what’s the best way to talk to kids about separation? There’s no definitive answer, and every family will be a little different. But with the right steps and considerations in place, you can have... Read more
Blog Post | 10 August, 2023
The upcoming Voice referendum and related First Nations issues have sparked conversations on TV, social media, and in our everyday lives.  Perhaps your child has approached you with curiosity and questions about The Voice or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Or maybe you’re looking to introduce them to these important topics but aren’t sure where to start.  It’s never too early to teach children the true history and rich culture of our First Nations Peoples.  “It’s important to address these issues as First Nations issues are issues for all Australians to navigate... Read more
Blog Post | 02 November, 2021
Written by Val Holden – Relationship and Family Counsellor We don’t always share the same beliefs as our family members. In fact, we may have very different opinions about all sorts of things, and that’s OK – most of the time. There are some subjects we know to avoid at the dinner table if we want to keep the peace. For some families, that might include issues related to COVID-19, like mask mandates and vaccinations. Over the last two years, we’ve been inundated with information about COVID-19, and we’ve all formed opinions and beliefs as a result. We hope this advice helps you communicate... Read more
Blog Post | 26 July, 2023
With strong opinions on both sides of The Voice debate, you may find yourself disagreeing with some of the people you care about.  We don’t always share the same beliefs as our friends and family members, and that’s OK. But when it comes to the topics we feel passionately about, it can be upsetting and uncomfortable when we don’t see eye to eye with the people we love.  We hope this advice helps you communicate effectively and maintain respectful relationships if you disagree with loved ones over The Voice.    Have patience and understanding  While The Voice... Read more
Blog Post | 08 September, 2022
Supporting someone who is experiencing suicidal thoughts or recovering from an attempt to take their own life can make a lifechanging impact. Research suggests acknowledging and starting conversations about suicide may help to reduce suicidal ideation. Campaigns like R U OK? Day encourage us to have these conversations to reduce stigma and encourage help-seeking behaviour.... Read more
