Blog Post | 16 October, 2023
Stress is a normal part of life for all of us. Whether it’s at work, in our relationships, or worrying about the future, we all feel moments of anxiety building in our bodies. Mindfully connecting with your senses can help you self-soothe when you’re feeling triggered or overwhelmed. We list some easy ways to create calm using your five senses, and we encourage you to find your favourites for when you’re feeling stressed.   Sight Get outside and look at nature Light a candle and watch it flicker Watch a movie that makes you happy Turn off the lights and create a cosy, dark space Look at... Read more
Blog Post | 07 August, 2020
Boundaries are crucial for protecting our mental and emotional wellbeing and maintaining healthy, lasting relationships. Personal boundaries can help you build a strong identity, self-esteem, and independence. If you feel like you’re being taken advantage of or you’re walking on eggshells in your relationships, it might be a sign that you need to establish boundaries. Learn how to create boundaries with your partner, friends, and family with these steps.   Identify Your Boundaries Take some time to reflect on your needs and determine the boundaries you would like to strengthen. Your... Read more
Blog Post | 03 April, 2024
When your children become adults, it’s natural for your roles in each other’s lives to change. Boundaries are like guidelines that keep our relationships with loved ones balanced, healthy, and safe. If you’re feeling stress, strain, or dissatisfaction in your relationships with your adult children or grandchildren, it may be time to set some boundaries. In this blog post, we’ll review signs it’s time to set boundaries, how to set boundaries with your adult children, and examples of healthy family boundaries. We’ll also explore some signs of elder abuse and the support that is available.... Read more
Blog Post | 25 August, 2020
Sick of the little voice in your head that tells you you’re not good enough? We’ve all experienced self-doubt at one time or another. It’s only human to have an internal critic – no matter how self-assured or ‘successful’ you are. But what happens when you become captive to the criticism and judgement you put on yourself? A negative inner monologue can have serious impacts on your self-esteem, relationships, and life in general. It can eat away at your confidence and hold you back in big ways. We wouldn’t accept this criticism from a friend – so why do we accept it from ourselves? While you... Read more
Blog Post | 23 October, 2023
Do you use control over your partner to get what you want?  Controlling partners use power and control through manipulative behaviours such as blame, guilt, and criticism. Controlling behaviour becomes abusive when it’s coercive or threatening.  Coercive control is a form of domestic abuse that can cause serious ongoing harm. It can exist on its own without physical abuse, and might include behaviours such as guilting your partner for spending time away from you or wanting to know where they are and who they’re with at all times.  A lot of the time, the use of control in a... Read more
Blog Post | 09 February, 2024
Comparison is a normal human behaviour – especially at certain ages and stages of life. People in their teens and 20s are particularly prone to comparing their path to that of their peers and worrying they’re falling behind. Maybe you see your friend’s promotion as a sign you’re not progressing fast enough in your own career. Or maybe you can’t scroll past an influencer’s gym pic without wishing you looked the same. Comparing ourselves to our peers (and strangers on social media) can cause... Read more
Blog Post | 18 December, 2020
Do you lose your cool over what other people might consider to be minor hassles? Do you let being stuck in traffic, spilling your coffee, or a rude cashier ruin your day? Constantly getting upset over little things can take a toll on our mental and physical health. A recent study found that older men who obsess over little, everyday annoyances tend to live shorter lives than those who let things go. You’ve probably heard the... Read more
Blog Post | 13 November, 2020
I’ll make time to relax when things settle down at work. I’ll wear that outfit when I’ve lost some weight. I’ll invite my friends over when I buy a bigger house. I’ll be happy when it’s Friday, or when I fall in love, or when I get my dream job. Sound familiar? Of course it does! We’re all guilty of falling victim to “I’ll be happy when” syndrome. But why do we delay happiness until the ‘big thing’ we’re waiting for happens? Even when we achieve the ‘big thing’, we always find something else to chase, and the goalposts for happiness keep moving. If we’re not careful, our whole life could be... Read more
Blog Post | 08 September, 2020
It’s normal for children and teens to explore how they identify and who they’re attracted to. But if your child isn’t sure where they sit on the gender or sexuality spectrum, they may feel anything but normal.  Love and support from family is crucial during this confusing time. But talking to your child about gender, sex and identity can be overwhelming. These topics aren’t as black and white as some people might think, and it can be hard to know where to start. We hope these tips help you support your child while they’re figuring out who they are.   Listen and learn It... Read more
Blog Post | 08 May, 2020
Depression is a common and serious mental illness that impacts many Australians. Research shows one in seven Australians will experience depression in their lifetime. Many people find themselves supporting a partner with depression at some point, and the condition can take a heavy toll on relationships. Relationships can be a lot of work even when both people are in a good mental space. Couples dealing with depression face their own daily challenges. No one wants to see their partner suffer, and living... Read more
