Blog Post | 27 June, 2011
Having a baby is a life changing event. Whether the decision to start a family was planned or unexpected, the impact of rearing a child can rattle even the most stable individuals or relationships. In some circumstances, couples choose to have a baby to celebrate their stability or to strengthen their relationship. There are thoughts that building their own family will bring them closer together, and that life after childbirth will be a time of tenderness, intimacy, and maturity. The reality is however, that for most couples, the impact of lifestyle adjustments, role changes, changes social... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Stepfamilies are complex and it may take some time for family relationships to form. Stepfamilies have complicated sets of relationships to manage. For example, one of the parents will not be the natural parent of one or more of the children. There are likely to be grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and siblings and a parent living outside the family with no links with other members of the stepfamily. Stepfamilies need to address two important issues: coping with the past negotiating relationships in the new family. Coping with the past It is important to allow for past experiences... Read more
Blog Post | 27 July, 2023
Gambling is engrained in Australian culture. However, when gambling becomes harmful instead of positive, it can have severe consequences. Older Australians have the highest rates of many types of gambling and are particularly at risk of gambling harm. We’ll go through the signs of gambling harm in older people and how you can help an older loved one you may be worried about.   Signs of gambling harm in seniors Gambling becomes harmful when it starts to have negative consequences on the person’s life and wellbeing. Signs that gambling is becoming harmful may include: Sudden decrease in... Read more
Individual Service | 05 June, 2015
Family Dispute Resolution is a process which helps people who are separating reach negotiated agreements on parenting, property and financial issues following separation. RAQ now offers online Family Dispute Resolution. Please call 1300 364 277 for more information. More information on this page coming soon.
Blog Post | 02 May, 2011
We can log on to the internet and meet new people every day and all we will know about them is what we see remotely on the screen - a photo, their internet username and how they choose to describe themselves. We can strike up friendships and have computer-based conversations or telephone chats with people and never see them or speak to them in person. The internet is an informal, anonymous place to meet people. People don't know what you do or what you look like, aside from photos you may wish to post. You can change your gender, job, sexual preferences, age and culture. You are known... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
The Internet provides us with new ways of connecting and relating to people. The Internet allows users to make many new and different connections with people, some just down the street and others on the other side of the world. Stories abound with the sophisticated ways that people have met and forged new relationships on the Internet. The type of example which gives people hope is that of a woman in Australia who visited chat rooms around the globe… and met a potential partner. They communicated by instant messaging and via email for months until they decided to meet face-to-face. They... Read more
Blog Post | 19 January, 2021
We’re looking for people who gamble at least twice per week to participate in an online survey. As part of a Flinders University PhD student research project, they’re developing a healthcare app for gamblers and want to hear from you. This survey will ask a series of multiple-choice questions about your feelings toward apps, then ask for your opinions on their app. The survey will take 15 minutes, and participants will receive a $20 voucher for their time. Please click here or use the URL... Read more
Basic page | 09 August, 2019
Blog Post | 21 July, 2023
RAQ recently announced that we stand in favour of enshrining a First Nations Voice to Parliament.  We’re deeply grateful for the generosity of our First Nations staff who shared their diverse voices, experiences, and perspectives throughout our journey to Yes.  Today, we want to share the First Nations-led process we undertook to develop an organisational position on The Voice to Parliament referendum.  Take a journey with Aunty Debra Bennet, Lead Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Engagement & Cultural Advisor, as she describes the steps that led us to Yes. ... Read more
Blog Post | 13 August, 2020
Got a case of the green-eyed monster? Jealousy in a relationship can present itself as a cocktail of irrational and destructive thoughts that leave us feeling insecure, paranoid, and even angry. You might worry you’re not good enough, or that your partner will find happiness with someone else. While jealousy is a normal emotion, it can be toxic and damaging if it shapes the way we feel about ourselves and the world. We hope these tips help if you’re struggling with jealousy and insecurities in your relationship.   Recognise and Challenge Negative Thoughts Next time you’re overcome by... Read more
