Blog Post | 02 May, 2023
Coercive control is a dangerous form of domestic abuse that is used to manipulate, intimidate, and scare survivors. This type of abuse has been criminalised in some Australian states and is set to become a criminal offence in Queensland by 2025. Coercive control involves emotional and psychological abuse. It can exist on its own without any physical violence, and this can make it harder to identify than some other forms of domestic violence. It’s common for people who use control in their relationships to gaslight their survivors, calling them dramatic or ‘too sensitive’. This kind of... Read more
Blog Post | 19 March, 2024
By CEO Natasha Rae  After over a decade of advocacy, the Queensland Government has passed legislation to criminalise coercive control as a standalone offence. Behaviour from adults such as verbal abuse, financial control, emotional abuse, and social isolation will carry jail sentences of up to 14 years when the laws come into force next year. These changes will aim to address Australia’s alarmingly high rate of domestic abuse. The Australian... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Why communication is so important in relationships. Relationships have many different aspects. For example: companionship - sharing interests and concerns, showing affection, admiration intimacy - being able to be close to each other, to comfort and be comforted, and to be open and honest with each other organising a shared home and a shared life and making decisions about issues such as money working together as parents in caring for children. Communication is not just important, it is essential, in all these aspects of relationships. What is communication? Communication is one... Read more
Course type | 12 August, 2022
Communication is a key component of any relationship. When we can communicate effectively, we are more likely to have healthier and happier relationships as we can express our needs and wants and listen to and understand each other. This workshop aims to increase your awareness around how you communicate in your relationships and offers tools to make improvements. Upcoming Workshops   Term 3 Date: July 1st Time: Monday, 4:30-7:30pm (3 hrs) Delivery: via ZOOM   Term 4 Date: September 16th   Time: Monday, 4:30-7:30pm (3 hrs) Delivery: via ZOOM... Read more
Blog Post | 02 November, 2015
Communication is one of those things which we all do in one way or another. There are literally hundreds of ways in which communication can be misunderstood or misinterpreted. In the land of simplicity, when we communicate one person sends a message and the other person receives it; doesn’t seem that hard, does it?  I have worked as a mediator and in the field of dispute resolution/conflict management for around 17 years, so I consider myself one pretty aware communicator; essentially communication is the core of my job. Yet I received a wakeup call, a reminder of just how fragile... Read more
Blog Post | 09 November, 2015
written by Jude, Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and Relationship Counsellor @ Relationships Australia Qld Conflict is invariably seen as negative and therefore has the power to become destructive. But conflict can be positive if handled thoughtfully. For this to happen each person needs to accept responsibility for resolution. We only have three choices in life – put up with things the way they are; make changes that give a greater level of satisfaction; or walk away.  Sometimes this can be a difficult choice especially when the conflict is within an intimate... Read more
Blog Post | 29 June, 2023
Mental health is being discussed publicly more than ever before. This is helping to raise awareness about the importance of looking after your emotional and psychological wellbeing, and reducing stigma around mental illness.  Mental health isn’t a buzzword or passing fad – it’s a reality for every one of us.  We all have mental health, and just like our physical health, there are things we can do to support it or damage it. If we ignore our mental health, we can suffer in many areas of life.  In this blog post, we’re going to explore:  The difference between mental health... Read more
Blog Post | 25 February, 2011
Before heading off on a long road trip, taking some time to plan out the best route often results in a smoother, safer ride to your destination. Long term committed relationships, whether that is moving in together or getting married, can also benefit from some pre-planning. Even if you have driven along the same route before, it can be worthwhile reflecting on your past experiences to make your new journey even better. Here are a few tips to help you on your way…. Identifying Potential Hazards Just as you would identify potential hazards on the road, it is important to spend some time... Read more
Blog Post | 11 September, 2014
Who hasn't encountered the typical end of the day scenario, when everyone in the family seems to be at the end of their tether, because of a rough and stressful day? We often take out our personal stresses on our partner or family, not realising there are very useful strategies which could reduce stress within our communication. Spending time together at the end of the day, to talk about how the day went for each of you, can help manage the stress in life which is not related to the relationship. To ensure this conversation has a calming-down effect, here are some guidelines Talk about... Read more
Blog Post | 09 May, 2023
If your relationship with your adult child is causing you to feel scared or anxious, you may be experiencing abuse. Adult children are the most common perpetrators of elder abuse. In this blog post, we offer some advice on what to do if you are experiencing elder abuse from your child.   1.      Recognise elder abuse Elder abuse is any act or behaviour by a trusted person that causes harm or distress to an older... Read more
