Article | 12 April, 2016
Parenting is a challenging experience that can put a great deal of pressure on relationships Whilst bringing up children can be a wonderful experience, it can also be very trying at times. Parenting can place enormous pressure on your relationship with your partner. Yet a loving and supportive relationship is exactly what you and your partner need most when you are facing the challenges of child rearing. It seems challenging enough getting through the birth of your baby and learning about feeding and changing nappies. But as babies develop into toddlers, then into young children and then... Read more
Blog Post | 20 December, 2021
Are the holidays making you more stressed than merry? Maybe you're feeling overwhelmed with the dizzying list of demands such as shopping, cooking, and entertaining. Or perhaps this time of year brings up difficult feelings for you. Some of our RAQ practitioners share their top tips so you can protect your wellbeing and give yourself the gift of self-care this silly season.   Remove Expectations We can feel pressured to celebrate in a certain way (e.g. with family, travelling, with lots of gifts). Know it's OK if this isn’t the way you want to spend your time. If Christmas for you means... Read more
Blog Post | 31 July, 2020
Self-isolation had many of us feeling anxious. The walls seemed to close in a little more each day as memories of an active social life became more distant. But when some of Queensland’s venues reopened, not everyone jumped at the chance to get out and about. After months of social distancing, it’s not unusual to feel anxious at the thought of kick-starting your social life. Social anxiety or social phobia is a common issue in Australia, with... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Parenting is a challenging experience that can put a great deal of pressure on relationships Whilst bringing up children can be a wonderful experience, it can also be very trying at times. Parenting can place enormous pressure on your relationship with your partner. Yet a loving and supportive relationship is exactly what you and your partner need most when you are facing the challenges of child rearing. It seems challenging enough getting through the birth of your baby and learning about feeding and changing nappies. But as babies develop into toddlers, then into young children and then... Read more
Blog Post | 09 April, 2020
Cancelled holidays. Delayed weddings. Limited funeral gatherings. These are all big events and with their postponement or cancellation come big feelings. But these ‘big things’ aren’t the only changes to life as we know it right now. Maybe your child’s sports league, which you loved attending, was cancelled for the season. Or maybe you were really looking forward to getting together with your friends and family for a baby shower. Or maybe you just miss the comfort of your normal routine – going to the shopping centre, packing the kids off to school, and playing at the playground. In the... Read more
Blog Post | 15 May, 2020
A lot has changed over the past few months. The coronavirus outbreak has impacted how we work, play, learn, and interact with one another. Social distancing measures have forced some companies to close their doors, while others have had the chance to adjust their service delivery. The coronavirus presented Relationships Australia QLD (RAQ) with the opportunity to fast-track the advancement of our online capabilities and continue to provide clients with the support they need. Relationship Counsellor Shirley Hussie has been offering counselling sessions for individuals and couples over... Read more
Basic page | 05 April, 2016
Counsellors are tertiary qualified professionals who facilitate discussion, provide new perspectives and explore influencing factors on the issues that are causing you concern.  Counsellors support you in dealing with or resolving your concerns, in a supportive, respectful and confidential environment. Book an appointment For more information or to make an appointment please call us on 1300 364 277. Counselling Counsellors are tertiary qualified professionals who facilitate discussion, provide new perspectives and explore influencing factors on the issues... Read more
Basic page | 04 April, 2016
Following are the answers to some questions you might be having in relation to your partner. We offer counselling for individuals and couples, and even if your partner can’t/won’t attend counselling, coming to an individual counselling session yourself can also be very beneficial as the counsellor will work in partnership with you to understand your situation and assist you to find ways to manage it more effectively.
Blog Post | 07 July, 2011
Okay so lets get the issue right out in the open.  Some men do not think that counselling is a ‘male thing to do’ that it shows weakness, and is girlie.  Some would say that counselling does not fit the Aussie/ rural bloke image, you know with all that ‘feelings’ stuff! You may be surprised to know that more men than ever are using counselling services and it is not always because they are being dragged there by their wives! Men are using their initiative to book appointments to speak to trained professional about their issues and concerns. You don’t have to be a SNAG (Sensitive... Read more
Blog Post | 29 March, 2021
The coronavirus outbreak has raised some unique challenges for couples self-isolating together. Being confined within four walls is a recipe for cabin fever. Add to that the stress and uncertainty of the public health crisis, and even the strongest relationships are bound to be tested. With emotions already running high, it’s going to take some extra effort to maintain healthy and happy relationships during these tough times. Relationship and Family Counsellor Val Holden shares some advice to help you improve communication and navigate conflict while in close quarters with your loved one... Read more
