Blog Post | 08 May, 2023
All kinds of domestic and family violence can have damaging and long-lasting impacts on survivors.  This includes physical, sexual, financial, psychological, and emotional abuse, as well as coercive control.  Research has found that women who have been abused by a partner are three times more likely to suffer mental ill health.  Along with fear, shame, and reduced self-worth, the impacts of domestic abuse can extend to... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Some LGBTIQ clients appreciate being able to see a counsellor with specific training and experience in working with LGBTIQ clients. You may or may not consider this important to you. The Rainbow Service is one of a number of options available for you, but you may choose to simply access the venue closest to where you live or work.
Blog Post | 03 August, 2020
Social media is a great way to keep in touch and stay up to date. But what happens when scrolling through Facebook or Instagram is no longer making you feel connected, but causing stress and loneliness instead? Research suggests a link between the heavy use of social media and an increased risk of depression and anxiety. It also shows that people experiencing feelings of depression and anxiety can often use social media as an escape – and so the cycle continues... Read more
Blog Post | 25 October, 2022
It’s a question as old as time. Before you consider whether you can (or want to) be friends with a past partner, you should ask yourself why you have friends and what you get from your friendships. Can your ex fulfil these needs and expectations as a friend? Do you already have enough people in your life who do? There’s a difference between being friends and being friendly. It’s OK to stay in touch with an ex without having to force a friendship if it doesn’t serve you. While it may be possible to be friends with an ex, whether it’s a good idea or not will depend on the situation and the... Read more
Individual FAQ | 04 April, 2016
Unfortunately, sending money is not one of the ways we can help, we can offer support from financial and gambling help counsellors.  Financial counsellors provide free, independent, confidential support to review your financial situation and options.  They offer information and advocacy to assist you to make a plan to deal with financial difficulties. Gambling help counsellors can help you to better understand your and to make changes to reduce the risk of financial problems that may arise from gambling.
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
A service called FDR41 (Family Dispute Resolution for One) is offered at a select number of RAQ venues where trained mediators work with one person and the conflict they have.
Basic page | 03 June, 2015
It is our people that make us who we are today, a leader in relationship support services. We are united in our desire to see positive and respectful relationships for all Australians and to help those in need feel supported, connected and in turn their lives enhanced as a result of the work we do. Our people are highly qualified, experienced professionals that strive to provide the best possible service to our clients.  Our business model lends itself to continuous learning and professional development for all employees.
Blog Post | 19 April, 2023
Living far away from an ageing parent with declining health can be stressful for everyone involved. It’s important to find a balance that prioritises your elderly parent’s wellbeing while being mindful of your own wellbeing, too. We’ll share a few steps you can take to be there for your elderly parent when you can’t physically be there.   1.      Listen to their wants and needs. Ageism, which is discrimination against a person based on their age, appears in familial relationships when a person’s own... Read more
Blog Post | 28 March, 2013
Changing our ways is a difficult thing to do. Most people have had the experience, when trying to change certain habits or patterns, of ending up with a feeling of failure. It is common to fall back into old ways of doing and thinking while we are trying to change. Whether it is eating more muffins than usual on the first day of a diet, or falling back into arguments about the same old thing with our partner again, the process of counselling is about promoting change and walking alongside clients so new behaviours can be practised in a safe environment. More often than not people... Read more
Basic page | 23 March, 2016
Relationships Australia (Qld) là một cơ quan hàng đầu cung cấp các dịch vụ hỗ trợ mối quan hệ cho các cá nhân, gia đình và cộng đồng.  Mục đích của chúng tôi là hỗ trợ tất cả những người sống ở Úc có được những mối quan hệ tốt và được sự tôn trọng.    Chúng tôi là một tổ chức Úc phi lợi nhuận, đặt cơ sở trong cộng đồng và không có sự sáp nhập tôn giáo.  Các dịch vụ của chúng tôi là dành cho tất cả mọi người trong cộng đồng, không phân biệt tín ngưỡng tôn giáo, tuổi tác, phái tính, thiên hướng tình dục, lựa chọn lối sống, nguồn gốc văn hóa hay hoàn cảnh kinh tế.  ... Read more
