Blog Post | 08 January, 2021
The safety and wellbeing of our clients and staff is our utmost priority, and our management team continues to closely monitor all information and public health advice regarding the Novel Coronavirus. We have established processes in place that allow us to respond rapidly to emerging information and advice, with your safety in mind. In venues that continue to deliver face-to-face services, we are complying with both the Federal and State public health principles and guidelines to establish and maintain measures to prevent the spread of COVID-19. This includes regular cleaning of our venues... Read more
Basic page | 20 April, 2022
Blog Post | 07 July, 2014
Recently, I have found myself thinking a lot about the best, and the worst, custody arrangements for very young children. When I say very young children, I am thinking about infants (aged newborn to roughly 18 months) as well as toddlers (aged 18 months to about 3 years). Below, I will offer some of my own thoughts about this very important, and it seems, increasingly controversial topic. But at the outset, I want to invite readers to share their experiences about what is working for you, and what isn't; about what custody arrangements you have chosen for your own very young children, and... Read more
Blog Post | 05 September, 2022
Do you Google your symptoms when you’re unwell? Most Australians do. A 2019 study showed 54% of Australians use Google to search medical questions and symptoms at least weekly. Smartphones have made it easier than ever to find medical information fast. But relying on Doctor Google, social media, and online mental health tests and screening tools alone can be harmful. While most Australians are searching for cold and flu remedies on Google (51%), a whopping 18% of Australians... Read more
Blog Post | 08 June, 2021
Differences are normal in every relationship, and our differences should be celebrated. But dating someone from a different cultural background can have its own unique challenges and learning opportunities. Growing up in different environments with various beliefs, values, practices, and behaviours can make it tricky to understand each other at times. Things can get confusing and even frustrating, but the important thing is to respond to cultural clashes with respect, kindness, and understanding. Here are some tips to keep in mind when dating someone from another culture.   Reflect... Read more
Blog Post | 22 October, 2020
You met someone great. You get on like a house on fire. But there’s just one small thing: they have children. Dating someone with kids can raise unique challenges. Whether you’re a kid person or you have no experience with them, you’re a parent yourself or living the childfree life, dating someone with a child is always going to bring some added potential for stress and complications. But it can also be wonderful and rewarding, and the best package deal you’ve ever committed to. We provide some pointers for dating someone with kids to help guide you on this exciting ride.   Ask... Read more
Blog Post | 27 October, 2015
Have you found yourself lost in your thoughts about the future, thinking about what you need to do the next hour or the next day? Maybe you started to feel anxious or overwhelmed about all those things you have to get done, something which may become an issue or maybe there’s something you cannot avoid any longer. If you have a brain similar to mine and lots of other people, you probably answered yes to this question. Anxiety shows up for many of us when we start thinking about the future. “Dealing or living with anxiety” comes up in several session with clients that I work with. Evidence... Read more
Blog Post | 30 March, 2021
For many, self-isolation is an inconvenience. But for survivors of domestic abuse, it’s a nightmare. Domestic and family violence rates have risen around the world since the coronavirus lockdown. Social distancing restrictions have left many survivors of domestic abuse stuck inside with their abuser – all day, every day. Survivors may be isolated from their support networks, and they may be finding it difficult to access support while in such close quarters with their abuser. Stressful events like the coronavirus pandemic can exacerbate existing family violence. Perpetrators may use the... Read more
Blog Post | 21 August, 2020
So the kids have flown the coop and you’re adjusting to an empty home. Being a parent can define your life and your identity, and it’s normal to feel some sadness and loss when your children grow up and move out. If you’re having a particularly difficult time coping with your kids moving out of the family home, you may be experiencing empty nest syndrome. Some common signs of empty nest syndrome might include: A sense of loss of purpose and/or identity Excessive anxiety about your children’s welfare Feelings of rejection or isolation Feeling overly emotional or depressed Increased... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
Sometimes unexpected events have a big impact on a relationship. Nobody knows what the future holds. Many couples find themselves faced with unexpected changes in their lives that present a challenge or threat to their relationship. Common examples are migration, an inheritance or business failure that has a big impact on the financial situation or a serious illness or death, perhaps of a child. Whatever the event, the couple needs to adjust to it, and come to terms with their feelings. If they don't, the issue may become one that simmers beneath the surface of the relationship, and... Read more
