Blog Post | 05 May, 2022
Is someone you know experiencing abuse in their relationship? It’s hard to see someone you care about in an unhealthy relationship, but it can also be hard to know how to help or if you should get involved at all. While you can’t magically fix the situation, you can help them feel supported and less alone. We spoke to Family and Relationship Counsellor Shirley Hussie to offer some advice to help someone in an abusive relationship. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000.   Create a safe space to talk Offering an empathetic ear can make all the difference... Read more
Blog Post | 14 October, 2020
It’s hard to see someone we care about hurting from a significant loss. While we want to be supportive, many of us worry we’ll say or do the wrong thing. The good news is you don’t need to have all the answers. You just need to be there to offer love and support. While everyone experiences grief differently, these general dos and don’ts may help you provide comfort when you’re not sure how.   Do: Offer practical support While emotional support is important at this time, your loved one might also appreciate some help with practical tasks like housework and errands. Offer to do a... Read more
Blog Post | 02 October, 2020
Worried someone you care about might have a gambling problem? A gambling problem or gambling addiction can have serious impacts on the gambler and the people around them. These impacts aren’t just financial, either. Problem gambling can lead to relationship breakdowns and can negatively impact mental health, causing depression and anxiety. Recovering from a gambling problem isn’t easy, and the right encouragement from friends and family can make a... Read more
Blog Post | 30 April, 2021
Is someone you know experiencing domestic violence or abuse? Worrying about a loved one’s safety at home can leave us feeling helpless. It can be hard to know how to support someone in this difficult and dangerous situation, and you may be hesitant to get involved in their private life. You may be thinking the problem will "work itself out", but domestic and family violence normally doesn't end until action is taken to stop it. It can take a lot of time, planning, support, and courage for someone to escape an abusive relationship. But even if they have no intentions of leaving, simply... Read more
Blog Post | 21 January, 2022
Living and working in close quarters with your partner can take its toll. It’s normal to feel crowded and crave some breathing room when sharing a space 24/7 – no matter how strong your relationship is. You might find yourself becoming irritated by habits you’d never noticed before. Or perhaps you simply miss having some privacy throughout the day. We hope this advice helps keep the romance alive and the tension at bay if you’re working from home with your partner.   Separate Your Workspaces Avoid working in the same room if you can. It can help to have your own workspace to take... Read more
Blog Post | 20 April, 2021
Do you spend more time worrying about the past and future than you do enjoying the present? Many of us do. The ‘should haves’ of yesterday and ‘what ifs’ of tomorrow can make it hard to live in the moment. Maybe you get distracted dissecting past conversations or ruminating over regrets. Or perhaps you spend social events with friends making a mental to-do list for the weekend ahead. Getting sucked into the past and future can cause unnecessary worry and stress, while living in the moment can help you feel more grounded and connected with yourself and everything around you. If you’d like... Read more
Blog Post | 26 April, 2023
As veterans age, it’s vital that they have a loving and supportive environment. Veterans may experience lasting effects and traumas that make ageing even more difficult. We offer some information about potential issues facing elderly veterans, and how you can lovingly support them throughout their old age.   1.      Be informed about needs specific to ageing veterans. 27% of Australian veterans are reported to have mental or behavioural conditions. They face... Read more
Blog Post | 19 April, 2021
If you’re experiencing domestic and family violence or abuse, you might like to prepare a domestic violence safety plan to increase your safety and look after yourself. Including an escape plan in your domestic violence safety plan can help you act quickly in case you need to leave the environment in a hurry. We offer some advice for making a domestic violence safety plan, and a checklist of what you might include in an emergency escape bag. If you believe you or your children are in immediate danger, please call 000.   Creating a Domestic Violence Safety Plan Everyone’s situation... Read more
Blog Post | 17 June, 2021
It’s easy to make friends as a child. Going to school puts you in the same place as likeminded peers five days of the week. Meeting people and forging friendships later in life doesn’t always come so easily. But the friendships made during adulthood can be some of the most meaningful connections you have, and provide significant happiness and fulfilment. In a recent survey on the state of happiness in Australia, around 46% of respondents stated their friends... Read more
Blog Post | 18 November, 2020
Co-parenting can be challenging – especially if things with your former spouse didn’t end well. You might be stressed about money, worried about your ex’s parenting abilities, or simply tired of conflict. While it may be tricky for you to navigate this new arrangement, it’s important to remember that it’s not easy on your child, either. And it’s your job to do everything you can to help them adjust and thrive in their new ‘normal’. Learn how to share custody of a child and make the transition as smooth as possible with these tips.   Always put the child first Your relationship may... Read more
