Blog Post | 02 November, 2023
Online dating has become a part of many Australians’ lives over recent years. Data shows 3.2 million Aussies used dating apps in 2022, with most users (26.1%) aged 25 to 34 years. But as normalised as dating apps like Tinder, Hinge, and Bumble have become, navigating the online dating world can still feel foreign and awkward for some of us. We offer some online dating advice with these tips to make the most of dating apps.   Find the right app Sure, it may seem appealing... Read more
Blog Post | 03 February, 2021
There are many reasons why people separate, and not all separations lead to divorce. But whether you’re taking time apart to work on things or you’re heading in the direction of divorce, there are some ways you can make your separation easier. The right approach to separation (and avoiding some big no-nos) can help you repair your marriage or make an impending divorce easier. Whatever your situation, we hope these separation tips help you separate amicably while you figure it all out.   Establish healthy boundaries Once you’ve decided to separate, you need to determine how much... Read more
Blog Post | 16 December, 2020
We all get stressed at work sometimes. From long hours and looming deadlines to high-stakes pitches and difficult customers, most jobs involve some degree of stress. Research shows around 20% of Aussies take time off work each year because they feel mentally unwell. While some work-related stress is common and reasonable, it can be a major risk factor for anxiety and depression if it's excessive and... Read more
Blog Post | 31 October, 2022
You’ve done it! Moving to a new city is a huge accomplishment that takes a lot of courage. Once you’ve visited all the top tourist attractions, found your new favourite coffee spot, and started to get a hang of commuting, meeting new friends is the most important step to make your new city feel like home. You’ve got friends at home, but it’s important to meet new friends in your area to help you feel fulfilled and happy instead of lonely or homesick. But how do you meet people in a new city?   Connect with other expats and new arrivals Chances are there are other transplants in your new... Read more
Blog Post | 07 November, 2022
There’s a lot of pressure to be in a bubble of love and joy when bub comes long. But it’s common for parents of newborns to feel a sense of isolation and loneliness – particularly for first-time mums. This may be tied to missing your old life and/or feeling like your sense of identity has changed or blurred. Feelings of isolation and loneliness are thought to be risk factors for postnatal depression (PND) and anxiety, which are reported to affect up to 1... Read more
Blog Post | 07 April, 2022
Humans are social beings, and research continues to prove connection is a core need. According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, love and belonging are the most important needs we must fulfill besides food, water, and safety. We have an inherent desire for interpersonal relationships and connection with others, and to feel a sense of belonging in a group or community. When these needs are met, our wellbeing improves, and we live a more fulfilled life. The ... Read more
Blog Post | 30 March, 2021
Are you feeling a little uneasy or downright distressed about the coronavirus? It’s understandable for Australians to be experiencing concern and anxiety – especially with the overwhelming amount of negative news and speculation in the media. You might be fearful for your health or that of your friends and family. Perhaps you’re confused by conflicting information online. Or maybe you’re just wondering where you’ll get your next pack of toilet paper. Many of us are taking extra precautions to protect our physical health. But as we sneeze into our elbows and slather our hands in sanitiser... Read more
Blog Post | 07 April, 2022
Are you worried about making the right decisions with your money? We all want to make smart choices so we can feel comfortable and secure in later life, but navigating superannuation funds, retirement pensions and downsizing can feel overwhelming. We need to protect our financial health the same way we would our physical health – by devoting regular attention to it and planning according to our needs. Here are some quick tips to help you get started.   Talk to someone you trust A great place to start planning for your future is identifying a trustworthy person you can talk to about... Read more
Blog Post | 15 April, 2020
Many of us are turning to technology to connect with our loved ones during the coronavirus outbreak. Tools like video chat, instant messaging, and online gaming make it easier than ever to keep in touch with each other. But for some people, using technology can also pose a risk to their own safety. If you’re experiencing or living with family and domestic violence, being careful online is a key part of looking after your physical and emotional wellbeing. So how can you make sure you’re protecting your online safety during a time when you’re actively encouraged to connect with others? We... Read more
Blog Post | 06 December, 2023
Not all breaks end in a breakup. In some situations, taking a break can be the healthiest step forward for a relationship. Breaks can be an opportunity to reflect on what’s not working and gain clarity on your needs and expectations. There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to reconnecting after a relationship break, but we hope this advice helps you move forward with respect and understanding.   Address Past Issues It can be tempting to get swept up in the romance of reconnecting, but whatever you do, don’t sweep your issues under the rug. There’s a reason you took a break, and these... Read more
