Blog Post | 27 October, 2015
Facilitating Difficult Conversations, Towards a Richer Society  Written by Chris, Rainbow Program Leader @ Relationships Australia Qld “Why is marriage such a big issue for gay couples?”, she asked. “Surely there are more important things to fight for?” I was taking questions during a Rainbow Program training session on legal rights for same-gender couples and, on the face of it, this trainee may have had a point. There is still a range of social justice issues impacting the lives of Queensland’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people, which may seem far... Read more
Blog Post | 01 February, 2024
Friends aren’t just a nice bonus in life – they’re a key ingredient to our happiness and wellbeing. While it’s not uncommon for some couples to spend all their time together in the early stages, neglecting friendships outside your romantic relationship can be unhealthy – and even dangerous. If your partner doesn’t like you spending time with other people, this can be a sign of control and abuse. We explore how maintaining friendships outside of your relationship can benefit both you and your relationship.   Improved Sense of Self Your relationship should be just one part of a full and... Read more
Blog Post | 15 September, 2021
COVID has our travel plans on pause, and some of us are putting off taking annual leave until we can get on a plane again. But it could be more important than ever for our mental health to take time off right now. Downtime is crucial for our mental and physical wellbeing, as well as a healthy work-life balance. And you don’t need to have big travel plans to enjoy the benefits of a holiday. We discuss why it’s important to still take a holiday during COVID – even if you can’t go anywhere.   We All Need a Mental Health Break During COVID COVID has disrupted all our lives in one way or... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Whilst we cannot attend court with you, we can  provide you with information about the court process and referrals to other organisations who can attend court with you.  
Basic page | 23 March, 2016
Relationships Australia (Qld) ist ein führender Dienstleister für Beziehungsberatung für Einzelpersonen, Familien und Bevölkerungsgruppen. Unser Ziel ist, alle Menschen in Australien beim Aufbau und Erhalt positiver sowie respektvoller Beziehungen zu unterstützen.   Wir sind eine kommunale, gemeinnützige australische Organisation ohne religiöse Zugehörigkeit. Unsere Dienste stehen allen Bürgern zur Verfügung ohne Rücksicht auf religiösen Glauben, Alter, Geschlecht, sexuelle Orientierung, gewählten Lebensstil, kulturellen Hintergrund oder wirtschaftliche Verhältnisse.  ... Read more
Individual Course | 07 June, 2019
These interactive workshops for women are free and generally held over five weeks between 10.00am and 12.30am on a weekday. They are run regularly throughout the year, and must be booked in advance. They also include a 15 minute phone conversation with the course facilitator prior to acceptance – it is not possible to show up on the day without prior arrangement. We recommend that you attend all five workshops. but please discuss with the course facilitator if that is not possible.  Please check below for upcoming dates. Course Program Self-esteem and self-acceptance - how our... Read more
Course type | 24 July, 2015
Women’s B.E.S.T. Workshops are for women who want to build a greater sense of self, emotional balance, self-awareness, confidence and relationship skills and connect with other women in a safe and supportive environment. Upcoming Workshops Term 2 Dates: May 1st to May 29th (5 weeks, weekly) Time: Wednesdays 9:30am-12:00pm (2.5 hrs) Delivery: via ZOOM   Term 3 Dates: July 10th to August 7th (5 weeks, weekly) Time: Wednesdays 9:30am-12:00pm (2.5 hrs) Delivery: via ZOOM   Term 4 Dates: October 16th to November 13th (5 weeks,... Read more
Individual Course | 02 January, 2020
A free 5 week series of workshops for women who want to: Build greater emotional balance Improve self-awareness and build respectful relationship skills Connect with other women in a safe, supportive and learning environment These interactive workshops for women are free and generally held over five weeks between 10.00am and 12.30pm on a weekday. They are run regularly throughout the year, and must be booked in advance. They also include a 30 minute phone conversation with the course facilitator prior to acceptance – it is not possible to show up on the day without prior... Read more
Individual Course | 02 January, 2020
A free 5 week series of workshops for women who want to: Build greater emotional balance Improve self-awareness and build respectful relationship skills Connect with other women in a safe, supportive and learning environment These interactive workshops for women are free and generally held over five weeks on the Zoom online videoconferencing platform between 10.00am and 12.00pm on Thursdays. They are run regularly throughout the year, and must be booked in advance. They also include a 30 minute phone conversation with the course facilitator prior to acceptance – it is not possible... Read more
Individual Course | 22 August, 2019
These interactive workshops for women are free and generally held over five weeks between 10.00am and 12.30am on a weekday. They are run regularly throughout the year, and must be booked in advance. They also include a 15 minute phone conversation with the course facilitator prior to acceptance – it is not possible to show up on the day without prior arrangement. We recommend that you attend all five workshops. but please discuss with the course facilitator if that is not possible.  Please check below for upcoming dates. Course Program Self-esteem and Values- exploring core values... Read more
