Blog Post | 21 September, 2020
Worried a friend or someone you know is in an abusive or unhealthy relationship, but not sure what to do? Whether you suspect the abuse is physical, emotional, financial or other, it can be hard to know how to support someone in this situation. Learn some of the signs that might indicate your friend is in an abusive relationship, and how you can help.   Know the signs of abuse There are many different types of domestic and family abuse, and some of them can be harder to spot than others. Not all abuse involves hitting or can be identified by bruises or physical wounds. Some less... Read more
Blog Post | 19 October, 2020
Feel like therapy isn’t helping? It can be frustrating to leave your counselling session feeling like you’re in the same place you were before you started. While you may not be seeing the progress you’d like, there are some things you can do to make sure you’re getting the most out of your sessions. Here are some questions to ask yourself if therapy isn’t working for you.   Are you going regularly enough? Change and healing take time and ongoing commitment, so don’t be discouraged if you don’t get results after one session. If you’re not going to counselling regularly (or as... Read more
Blog Post | 27 April, 2021
Are your conversations with your friend a little one-sided? Do they talk about their lives and problems without showing any interest in yours? Relationships are all about give and take. It’s normal for there to be times when one person is in a crisis and needs more focus and support than the other – after all, being a good listener is part of being a good friend. But in general, a friendship should be based on mutual support. It can be draining to feel like the emotional dumping ground for a friend, especially if... Read more
Blog Post | 20 January, 2021
They say our differences bring us closer together, but this isn’t always the case when it comes to politics, religion, and other topics that can be sensitive. It’s normal for us to disagree on things from time to time. We all hold our own values and beliefs, even if we share DNA. But it can range from a little uncomfortable to infuriating when we’re constantly clashing with our parents. We hope these tips help you keep your cool and get along with your parents, even if you butt heads over the big stuff. Unless they have some truly toxic beliefs, your aim should be to get your point across... Read more
Blog Post | 10 May, 2021
There can come a time in even the happiest relationships where things feel a little… meh. Whether you’ve been together for a while or you’re simply stuck in the same old routine, it’s normal to feel the excitement slip away from time to time. The good news is that with just a little effort, you can reignite that spark and add some fun back to your relationship. Try these tips if your relationship or marriage is in a rut.   Plan something exciting together Sometimes the planning and anticipation of something can be just as fun as the thing itself! Planning something like a holiday, party... Read more
Blog Post | 08 March, 2021
Does your friend’s good news fill you with envy instead of happiness? Jealousy is a normal emotion that can help us learn more about what’s important to us and what we want in life. We sometimes feel jealous when someone has something we don’t – whether it’s money, material objects, a relationship, or career success. But jealousy can be harmful if left unchecked, impacting our self-esteem, happiness, and relationships. We hope these tips help if you’re struggling with feelings of envy in your friendships.   Confront the feelings Take notice the next time you feel envy, and ask... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
The rainbow Training foundational modules include: Setting the Scene – Key Concepts in working with Rainbow clients Family Systems and the Coming out Process Gender Diversity: Journeys of Transition                The ‘Queering’ of Partnerships – LGB, Sex & Relationship We also provide some information-based sessions, including topics, such as: Rainbow Families and the Law Mental Health & Wellbeing in the Rainbow Community Domestic & Family Violence and the Rainbow Community Rainbow Training... Read more
Individual FAQ | 03 June, 2015
Each training module or series will comprise different sets of knowledge and opportunities for experiential learning. Our proposed outcomes for participants, broadly are the following: Participants will feel they have greater knowledge and understanding of Rainbow cultural issues and experiences Participants will have a deeper understanding of their own identity & values development and conditioned heteronormative assumptions Participants will have a deeper understanding of the negative impacts of heterosexism and cisgenderism on the lives of people of diverse bodies, genders and... Read more
Blog Post | 25 May, 2020
Do you feel like you’re walking on eggshells around your partner? Do they make you feel like you never measure up? Do you feel confused, controlled, or even scared in your relationship? You could be experiencing emotional abuse. While physical abuse is generally easy to identify, it can be harder to recognise when you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship. But does that mean emotional abuse isn’t as serious or dangerous as physical abuse? No. “That’s a little bit like asking ‘Is it more harmful to put your hand in the fire or in a saucepan of cold water and bring it to the boil slowly’?”... Read more
Article | 12 April, 2016
An example of a couple who find it hard to communicate. Some people are better communicators than others. This does not mean that people who find communication difficult can manage without it. John and Louise were typical of a couple who found communication difficult. John was a quiet man, who found it difficult to let anyone know what he was thinking or feeling. Louise was more open and direct. She let John know exactly what was wrong when she was upset. But within an hour or two she would have forgotten about her anger. John was different, he would feel hurt and rejected for days after a... Read more
