Blog Post | 20 May, 2014
When a marriage ends in separation and children are involved, the parents, Family Court Judges and professionals, must decide on separated parenting arrangements (previously known as 'custody'), with the child’s best interests in mind. This is an issue wrestled with all over the world, as legislators must decide on the ‘standard’ amount of custody the non-resident parent should have, and when arrangements should vary from the norm. What represents the child’s best interests? Is it best represented by: A. Current and future happiness B. Spiritual and religious development with a preference... Read more
Blog Post | 06 October, 2022
It’s normal for friends to come and go throughout life. You might drift apart naturally as you change and grow. Or you might suddenly realise you’re not getting what you need (and deserve) from a friendship and feel it’s best for your wellbeing to end it. Ending a friendship can be painful, but any relationship that makes you feel disregarded or disrespected should be re-evaluated. Here are some signs it may be time to walk away.   You’re always the first to reach out Do you get radio silence from them unless you pick up the phone first? While there can be situations where your friend... Read more
Blog Post | 04 April, 2014
When was the last time you had fun? I mean really great fun…fun, which lets you forget your worries, your stresses at work and all the other bits that seem to stop us from enjoying our life. The sort of fun which lets you be fully in the moment with no unnecessary thoughts about how things could be different. The Buddhists call this experience “unconditional acceptance of whatever arises in the moment”…a state of complete acceptance, with whatever life throws at us. In the midst of our busy, occupied lives, we forget how important it is to have fun. We are not putting our wellbeing... Read more
Blog Post | 19 January, 2023
Separation and divorce can be challenging and confusing for children. This dramatic change to the family dynamic and routine can bring a lost sense of safety and stability. It can take time to adjust to moving back and forth between their parents, and it’s normal for a child to miss one parent while they’re with the other. They may even seemingly favour one parent following a separation. Perhaps they feel more comfortable with mum, or maybe they have more fun with dad. This favouritism is often temporary, and they may even switch between which parent they prefer from week to week. While it... Read more
Blog Post | 14 April, 2021
Not all conversations are easy, but the difficult ones are often the most important. Talking about race can make people uncomfortable – particularly people who benefit from the privilege that comes from being white. They may not consider themselves racist. They might even call themselves an ally. So why is it that some white people go quiet or change the subject at the mention of the systemic racism that they benefit from? Why do some white people post a black square on their social media but refuse to engage in constructive conversation about Black Lives Matter, changing the date, or The... Read more
Blog Post | 08 April, 2013
A new paradigm is taking place in today's world and it speaks of our own personal well-being, the quality of life and how to improve our relationships. Most book stores have a special section on health and self-development these days, and it appears that the volume of self-help literature has increased in the last decade. In their essence, they all speak about the same thing - acceptance. What a big word that is, and how difficult it is to achieve. Accept yourself, accept your neighbour. Just take life as it is and you will live a life full of harmony with the partner of your dreams, well... Read more
Blog Post | 08 April, 2024
Our young people are experiencing a loneliness epidemic. In the 2023 annual Household, Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, Australians aged 15 to 24 reported being the loneliest cohort in the country. Social isolation and loneliness can have serious impacts on our mental and physical health. Adolescents and young people... Read more
Blog Post | 17 November, 2022
Are you feeling disconnected from your friends and family? Maybe you feel misunderstood or like no one “gets” you. Or perhaps you feel emotionally “empty” and don’t have the bandwidth to engage with people as you normally would. We explore some of the potential causes of disconnection and signs of social withdrawal, and offer advice to nurture fulfilling connections here.   Potential causes of feeling disconnected It’s normal to feel less close to your loved ones from time to time. This may not necessarily be due to a disagreement or falling out. How connected you feel to others can be... Read more
Blog Post | 08 August, 2023
Australia is in a loneliness epidemic. Relationships Australia’s Relationship Indicators 2022 survey revealed we’re lonelier than ever, showing almost a quarter (23.9%) of Australians are lonely. Almost half (45.9%) of young people aged 18-24 reported feeling emotionally lonely. Emotional loneliness is different to social loneliness. Social loneliness refers to the lack of a social network, while emotional loneliness is the lack of close emotional connection. You don’t... Read more
Blog Post | 06 May, 2021
It can be devastating to see a loved one in an unsafe relationship. It can also be difficult for an outsider to understand why a victim of domestic and family violence doesn’t leave the relationship. Abusive relationships can be complicated – especially if kids are involved. It’s not always safe for a victim to leave their abuser. In fact, the most dangerous time for a victim of domestic abuse is right after they’ve left their abuser. They can put themselves and their children at serious risk. It can take a lot of time, planning, support, and courage for someone to escape an abusive... Read more
